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Euskaldunen lurraldean - The land of the Basques

Orson Welles zinemagile estatubatuarrak Euskal Herrian filmatutako dokumentala. 1955ean BBC kate britainiarrak Wellesi eskatu zion nolabaiteko bidai dokumental sorta bat egin zezan, Around the World with Orson Welles (Munduan zehar Orson Wellesekin) deiturikoa. Bideo sorta honen parte da Ziburun grabaturiko 44 minututako bideo hau.


Written and directed by Orson Welles for Associated-Rediffusion in 1955, for Britain's then-new ITV channel. Around the World with Orson Welles is a series of six short travelogues, Despite its title emphasizing the world, it was entirely filmed in Europe. Among other incidents in the episodes, Welles visited the Basque Country.

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