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Maximo Aierbe, one of the founders of Euskaldunon Egunkaria, dies
Maximo Aierbe Muxika has died in her native town of Ataun, at the age of 74. Those who participated in the efforts of the years before and after the creation of Euskaldunon Egunkaria will remind the man that I work so hard for the shareholders of the new project. With great... [+]

French Police Kills Young Kana, Eighth Killed in Protests Since May
Protests against the French State support the island of Kanaky and repression is continuing. On July 10, the young Rock Victorin Wamytan, who was in the roadblock, was killed. The young person belongs to a family known to the independentists: This is the niece of Roch Wamytan,... [+]

Police spied 69 deputies from Podemos
El País has reported that the “patriotic police of the PP” spied on politicians of Podemos through the databases of the Ministry of the Interior, among them Pablo Iglesias, Yolanda Díaz, Ione Belarra or Irene Montero. The searches were carried out in 57 police stations of... [+]

2024-07-11 | Nicolas Goñi
Gazteen artean, ezker-eskuin banaketa politikoa genero ikuspegitik ere aztertu daiteke

Azken bi hamarkadetan, herrialde garatuetako belaunaldi gazteetan zabaldu da generoen arteko urruntze ideologiko bat. Gizon gazte gero eta gehiagok ideia kontserbadoreak edo eskuin muturrekoak onesten ditu eta emakume zein pertsona ez-bitar gazte gero eta gehiagok bere burua... [+]

Macron and RN leaders hold secret meetings in recent months
It is the result of an investigation carried out by the daily Libération: they have met, at least since December, with the relatives of the far-right RN, Jordan Bardella and Marine Le Pen Emmanuel Macron. Clandestine meetings have taken place at the house of Macron's close... [+]

The Spanish Church approves a plan to "heal" victims of sexual abuse, but will not have to comply with it
The Spanish Episcopal Conference approved on Tuesday the payment of financial compensation to victims of sexual abuse, although dioceses and congregations will not be obliged to execute them. The Spanish Government has strongly criticised the plan, which has been done... [+]

The Basque Government extends aid to families for the purchase of school supplies to the second cycle of the ESO
The Basque Government will subsidize for the first time the teaching materials needed by the 3rd and 4th grade students of ESO for the next course, responding to the historical demand of EHIGE, the Association of Fathers and Mothers of Students of Euskal Herria. Families with... [+]

The Spanish State has paid over EUR 1 billion to Israeli military companies since the beginning of the genocide in Gaza
According to the Centre Delas report, advanced by the media, in recent months the Spanish Government has made new contracts with Israeli companies. In addition to buying arms, the Spanish State is the fifth country in the world that has sent the most weapons since... [+]

They warn of the risk of closure of 20% of schools in ten years
Lucas Gortazar of Esade EcPol, from the UPV/EHU, has stated that more than half of the CAV students receive private classes and that it is the second community in the Spanish State that most segregates students of migrant origin.