Sinopsia: Zuzendari gazte batek gatazkak, indarkeria eta paradoxak nagusi diren Medellingo (Kolonbia) hirian bizi izandakoa kontatzen du. Haurtzaroa, bere herrialdeko egile-zinemarekin izandako topaketa eta bere sexualitatearen aurkikuntza gogoratzen ditu. Ondotik, bere lehen filma egiten saiatu da. Mamu-sekta bati buruzko fikzioa. Casting-a Medellinen queer gaztaroan egiten da, baina aktore nagusia gaindosi batek jota hil da, 21 urte zituela. Zuzendariak beste lagun batzuk desagertzen ikusten... [+]
There was no one or all. That we all suffer at least if the necessary changes are not made so that no one suffers the climate emergency. You – reader – I – Jenofá-, they – poor – and they – rich. The fires in Los Angeles did not give me satisfaction, but a sense of... [+]
The new Syrian president has withdrawn his hand to the chest of the German Foreign Minister, the minister, and denied him the handshake. Politely, Annalena Baerbock suffers contempt. Before that, the Syrian Al-Golani has reached out to the French Foreign Minister, Jean-Noel... [+]
Donald Trump will take office again on January 20 and will resume office as President of the United States. If, in the previous mandate, 2017-2021, he was not shameful in decision-making, in this mandate he will remove those scarce complexes and do whatever he wants, as the... [+]