Despite the positive assessment by the mayor of Pamplona, he stressed that 24 assaults have been recorded and 23 people have been arrested. In Baiona, 11 cases of gender-based violence have been reported on other occasions.
Minors are half of those who have passed through the Osakidetza gender identity unit
The Gender Identity Unit of Barakaldo Hospital has treated 1,075 people since its inception in 2016. More than half of the respondents received primary care before they reached the age of majority. And a third of the total was under the age of sixteen.

Half of the complaints of racism are considered “discriminatory agents” by the police in Bizkaia
The Voices of Discrimination report summarizes the experiences that many people presented in the Information and Denunciation Office of SOS Racism Bizkaia in 2023, denouncing "violence, aggression and discrimination against racist and xenophobic causes".  

2024-07-12 | Estitxu Eizagirre
The Amillubi project begins to perform repair, planting and training work
In the Iraeta district of Zestoa, the Caserío Amilibia and its grounds are located in the meander of the Urola River. The association for organic farming Biolur is raising funds for the collective purchase of them. By the end of 2025 they have agreed on the last payment, but... [+]

They design a Roncalese suit for mayors to participate in the Three Cows Tax
This Saturday is celebrated the tradition of over 600 years around the Stone of San Martin and this year Roncalese costumes have been prepared for mayors, which until now were only available to men.

2024-07-12 | Gedar
Arrested a person in Vitoria for facing a fascist
The arrested man confronted a member of the fascist group Pride Cazurro and picked him up in a video in which he was implicated. The Civil Guard has recently withheld him and everything points to being charged with a "hate crime".

They report that in Donostia-San Sebastián more than 300 people live "in extreme exclusion"
In Donostia-San Sebastian, the Street Solidary Dinners (DINNERS) and Citizen Welcoming Network groups have denounced that more than 300 people live in "situations of poverty and extreme exclusion". “In a city with eight Michelin star restaurants and in the city where the Basque... [+]

2024-07-11 |
Okupan a tourist apartment in Bilbao against gentrification
The AZET platform of Bilbao okupó yesterday a tourist apartment in Bilbao with the objective of denouncing the turistification of this neighborhood.

Iran protests for the death sentence of Kurdish trade unionist Sharifeh Mohammadi
Sharifeh Mohammadi, an activist for workers' rights, has been sentenced to death after being convicted. The activist was arrested on 5 December 2023 on charges of a crime of sexual rebellion.

2024-07-11 | Nicolas Goñi
Gazteen artean, ezker-eskuin banaketa politikoa genero ikuspegitik ere aztertu daiteke

Azken bi hamarkadetan, herrialde garatuetako belaunaldi gazteetan zabaldu da generoen arteko urruntze ideologiko bat. Gizon gazte gero eta gehiagok ideia kontserbadoreak edo eskuin muturrekoak onesten ditu eta emakume zein pertsona ez-bitar gazte gero eta gehiagok bere burua... [+]

"Janaria mintzaira bat da, epistemologia alterno bat"

Iruñerrian ondo ezagutzen dute, baina ni neu txundituta geratu nintzen Ana Laura Duarteren janari-instalazioak ikusi nituenean, lehenik Iruñeko Ziudadelan eta handik astebetera Uharteko parke batean, ekainaren erdialdean. Instalazio efimeroak izan ziren biak ala... [+]