I don't want my daughter disguising herself as a Gypsy in the caldereros. I don’t want Gypsy children at my daughter’s school to dress up as Gypsies in caldereros. Because being a gypsy is not a disguise. Because being a gypsy is not a party that takes place once a year, with... [+]
Aiaraldeako Ideien Faktorian egindako hitzaldia da honakoa, Eztizen Artolaren Gurpilak liburua aitzakia hartuta. Bertan hitza hartu zuten eleberriaren egileak, Joxe Blanco euskal preso politiko ohiak, Ilazki Ussia motxiladun umeak eta Ainhoa Ayesta presoen aldeko elkartasun... [+]
The Department of Education doesn't understand why public employees have gone on strike. He's got to ask the LAB Syndicate. This union signed an agreement with the department in April 2023. Two years later they have also called for a strike because, unlike the previous ones, the... [+]
Erretiratu berri den lankide-ohi baten omenez, Historiako irakaslea. Bejondeizula!
Hezkuntza-legeek azpimarratzen dute zein garrantzitsua den ikasleengan pentsamendu kritikoa sustatzea. Baina irakasle-klaustroak, garai batean ideien eztabaidarako eta proposamenak... [+]