The expedition will arrive on Wednesday at Arganzón (Álava), after passing through Salinas de Añana. Ten days ago the expedition began in Atharratze (Zuberoa). 125 Jzioremove, from 15 to 17 years old, is the name that the participants of Euskarabentura receive, and with them are 30 adults, including observers, doctors, guides, logistics managers, communication cameras and journalists.
2024-07-05 | Sustatu
100 subtitles in Basque have been added to the Filmin streaming platform
In recent months, the Screens Euskaraz initiative and the Spanish streaming platform Filmin have collaborated, which has enabled the platform to incorporate more than 100 subtitles in Euskera into its catalog. These are subtitles from different sources, among them those created... [+]

The IES Alaitz de Barañain will have the second line of model D of Bachillerato the next course
Education has corrected and approved the expectation that the institute will continue to have two teams in the first Bachelor of Science, Humanities and Social Sciences.

Hezkuntza Sailean, euskara eskubide?

Ekain amaieran, Hezkuntza Sailak ehunka irakasle funtzionario izendatu ditu: praktikaldia egitea falta dute, bai eta, irailetik aurrera, mediku-azterketa ere.

Azkeneko deialdian, mediku-azterketa azpikontratatu egin zuen Hezkuntza Sailak. Azpikontratatu zuenean,... [+]

Larrahe, eta elkarbizitza

Nire lagun M. paraje paregabean bizi da. Nafarroako herri batean,  Iruñerriatik gertu, jende bizizale anitzez betetakoan; bizi-bizia. Ez da herrian bertan bizi, talaiaren antza har dakiokeen muino moduko batean baizik, zeinetik, esan gabe doa, herria bera ez ezik... [+]

2024-07-03 | Sustatu
Torrealdai Scholarship, second edition, for cultural research
The Joan Mari Torrealdai Scholarship was born with the objective of promoting research and cultural projects, especially in the main areas worked by Joan Mari Torrealdai. In this second edition of 2024, Jakin Fundazioa and the City Council of Usurbil have ratified the call and... [+]

26 students of the Alaitz Institute of Barañáin are left out of the Baccalaureate for the reduction of a Model D class
A total of 26 students from the Alaitz Institute of Barañain have been left out of the baccalaureate list due to the cut of a classroom. Calls have been mobilised to denounce the cuts in pensions for workers.

2024-06-28 | Rober Gutiérrez
People in the center

After the post-election negotiation phase, PNV and PSE-EE have laid the groundwork for a government agreement between the two to “advance welfare, progress, self-government and transformation of the global Euskadi”. An 11-page document details the commitments and activities... [+]

2024-06-26 | ARGIA
The Government of France will be able to study in Basque in Lyceum crops
The French Government has approved the old claim that bilingual training can be offered in private culture as “pedagogical experimentation”, that is, that it can be taught not only in French, but also in Basque. The quote will be in Donapaleu and Hazparne.

EuskarAbentura hasteko astebete

Uztaila hasteko astebete falta da, astebete falta da Euskarabentura abiatzeko. Asier Guantes izan dugu telefonoaren beste aldean, espedizioko xerpa, begiralea.