03 August 1968,
A state of emergency was established in Gipuzkoa the day after the death by ETA of the famous torturer Meliton Manzanas. With this, the Guipuzkoans were eight months in violation of fundamental rights and the Franco authorities increased persecution against the Basque workers and ecclesiastical sectors to defeat ETA. They entered hundreds of homes, and hundreds were arrested and tortured. They failed to dissolve ETA and on 24 January the following year extended the state of emergency to the whole of Spain for two months.
The conclusions of this decision are as follows:
"The Gipuzkoans spent 8 months in a row in this exceptional regime. The main feature of this regime was indiscriminate repression, with domestic explorations, mass arrests, exiles and daily torture. Nostalgia was repressive or something similar to ideological persecution, in which the dictatorial police and judicial forces once again generalized the accusations of "red-separatist" or "euskal-separatist". Years before, thousands of Basques had been punished by death, decades of imprisonment, forced labour or exile. In 2018, a research study carried out by professionals from different disciplines, identified 279 people who had been retaliated for their names since the state of emergency came into force. 56 were exiled, 107 were prosecuted by the TOP and sentenced to at least 21 on war councils. 79 people report torture or ill-treatment in Gipuzkoa in 1968, of which 47 were arrested after 3 August.
This indiscriminate repression not only held those who put it into practice responsible, but, as the newspaper La Hoja of Monday of San Sebastian said, "they were irresponsible and affectionate" or "they do not react and prefer the tempering of the house and the cafeteria".Only one of the 279 people who were reprised could relate to the death of Manzanas. And the substitute for Meliton Manzanas, José Sainz, does not seem to be less and was one of the most responsible for this repressive orgy"
Several authors, 1968: Gipuzkoa in a state of emergency (Sociedad de Ciencias Aranzadi).