12 January 1998,
The Galician writer Ramón Sampedro died poisoned with potassium cyanide. In the Spanish State it was a symbol of dignified death, the first claim of the right to euthanasia.
He had been in bed for 25 years because of a tetraplegia. The courts prevented it, asked eleven people for help.
They took him to a rented apartment, each gave them a copy of the access key to the house and a specific mission, each of them was not a crime as such. One had to buy cyanide, another study it, another calculated the proportion, transported the cyanide, collected it, prepared it, put it in a glass, put the straw, approached the glass, received a signed farewell letter and finally, put in motion a video recording the intimate action of death.
To delve into the theme, consult the ARGIA thematic channel on euthanasia.