30 August 1980,
Anjel Etxaniz was killed in Ondarroa Spanish Basque Battalion. During work in his nightclub, he was shot with a metralleta and injured by the cousin Noelia Olabarria and the worker Pakita Urresti.
He was a member of the Amnesty Committee and a founding member of the newspaper Egin, a collaborator of the Bai Euskarari movement or vice-president of the football team Aurrera. He was tortured several times before in 1963, 1968 and 1976. During the months the Civil Guard went with the cars ahead of the church, beating the public the horn and causing great moments of tension with the guns. They have never condemned anyone for this murder.
BVE is one of the denominations that the Spanish secret services used for the dirty war between 1975 and 1982, made up of extreme right-wing members. These groups killed at least 70 people in the Basque Country during that time.
Emilio López de Adam, Armed Struggle in the Basque Country, 1967-2011. (May)