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The Negu Gorria group offered a surprise concert at the Gipuzkoa court in a truck

years ago

27 June 1994,

Negu Gorria offered a surprise concert at Gipuzkoa's court in a truck. The submissive Mikel Kazalis, the bass player of the group, was called to trial, among others. Kazalis did not come to the trial “so that the judges know what happens in the street”. With the concert they cut off the road from mouth to mouth for the enjoyment of those who gathered in it and for the surprise of the citizens who were walking down the street.

At the end of the concert, the truck retired and 200 people sat before the Civil Government.

Watch video of the initiative.



Mikel Arrieta, Esan ozenki: insumisioa! (Euskaldunon Egunkaria, 28 June 1994)

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