Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Napoleonic troops won the battle of Baztan and entered Hego Euskal Herria during the Convention War

years ago

24 July 1794,

Napoleonic troops won the battle of Baztan and entered Hego Euskal Herria during the Convention War. In a short time, the entire Basque country was under control. The mayor of San Sebastian, Mitxelena, took the city from the French with conditions such as respecting the Catholic religion of the Donostiarras, returning the forces to the previous situation of 1200 and not forcing them to take weapons. Gipuzkoa accepted the French revolutionary government and proposed the creation of an independent Republic of Guipuzkoa, supported by France. In 1795 Álava and Bizkaia made similar proposals. At the end of the war, the Spaniards judged the Gipuzkoan leaders accusing them of a high-level betrayal.


Bittor Uriarte Anasagasti, History of the Basque Country.

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