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The Kilometroak festival was held for the first time between Beasain and Lazkao

years ago

16 October 1977,

The Kilometroak festival between Beasain and Lazkao was held for the first time. It was the first festival in favor of the ikastolas and was organized by the Federation of Ikastolas of Gipuzkoa. Then came Ibilaldia, Nafarroa Oinez, Araba Euskaraz and Herri Urrats. Taking as an example a festival in the USA, Father Josu Erguin had the idea of raising funds for the ikastolas, and for every kilometer traveled by the participants several companies contributed money. A total of 15,000 people gathered and a number of cultural initiatives were developed along the route. There were, among others, Joxemiel Barandiaran, Mikel Laboa and Ixabel Olano.


Kilometroak 1977 between Lazkao and Beasain (Goierriko Hitza, 1 October 2016).

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