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The king of Spain sang 'Eusko gudariak' at the Casa de Juntas de Gernika

years ago
Ezker abertzaleko ordezkariek, ukabilak altxata, Eusko Gudariak abestu zuten unea. Javier Gallego / Egin

04 February 1981,

Members of Herri Batasuna and the Revolutionary Basque Nationalist Party (LAIA) sang on the face of the king of Spain at the Casa de Juntas de Gernika.

They had their first official visit in the Basque Country and organized an event with political representatives from various Basque institutions. They were street protests.

When the king took the floor, the members of the independence left boycotted with the raised fist and singing the Basque warriors. A huge scandal arose, as many of those present began to applaud to silence singing. The security forces had to drive out.

Watch video event.

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