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HB Councilor Gurutze Iantzi dies from torture at the Civil Guard police station

years ago

24 September 1993,

Cruz Iantzi Igerategi de Urnieta died at the police station of the Civil Guard of Tres Cantos, according to all indications, from torture. He was a member of the Public Union and was arrested without a warrant hours before.

In the same place where her partner was detained, she claimed to have heard Iantzi's cries. The family contentious physician determined that he was murdered by torturing with the “bag” method.

According to the police report, death was natural.Su case never tried.

He was 31 years old.

To delve into the subject, read the report written by Garan Ramón Sola:Gurutze Iantzi, “natur” zen die in police station.

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