Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

José Miguel Bustintza and Gaizka Gaztelumendi, members of ETA, were shot to death by the Civil Guard in Bilbao

years ago

24 September 1997,

The Civil Guard murdered ETA members José Miguel Bustintza and Gaizka Gaztelumendi in Bilbao. Although the Ministry of the Interior reported a shooting between them and civilian guards, there was a prepared police operation. Although the civilian guards were able to stop them, they decided to shoot at Friendship Street, along with Abando. The Interior Minister of the Basque Government, Juan Mari Atutxa, was aware of the details of the operation.


Euskaldunon Egunkaria (25 September 1997).

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