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Nine machines were killed in Catalonia by former civil guards and Francoist soldiers

years ago

10 December 1944,

Nine machines were killed in Catalonia by former civil guards and Franco soldiers. They were in the municipality of Sant Mateu de Bages and headed to Barcelona to fight Franco. They had been in an abandoned house for two weeks when the Sant Mateu City Council requested the intervention of the police. They went into a truck, surrounded the house and shot all the machines that were there. They were buried in a mass grave, but after two days the mayor ordered their transfer to the cemetery. The machines were communist warriors who fought against Franco. II. Many participated in the World War with France and subsequently attempted with weapons against Franco.


Marta Gómez and Glòria Maiz, Nou maquis morts al Borrell de sant Mateu de Bages (Dovella, 2009).

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