Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

General strike in Barakaldo to denounce the dismissal of a family

years ago
Barakaldoko Labe Garaiak, 1905ean.

22 May 1905,

General strike in Barakaldo to denounce the dismissal of a family. On day 16, the court ended the eviction that was paralyzed by the neighbors. In solidarity with this family, women took furniture out into the street and blocked the railroad. Protests spread and called on workers not to go to work. The strike also extended to Sestao and the following day there were incidents with the police. In the end, with a eviction, the military governor declared the war situation and occupied Barakaldo militarily.


Roberto, Barakaldo, 1905: the tenant strike that ended in a state of war (Etikalia, May 7, 2021).

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