Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Falces peasants started a rebellion against the rise in taxes

years ago

07 August 1357,

The peasants of Falces started a revolt over the rise in taxes. King Charles II of Navarra raised taxes on falces to meet the costs of war against the French. The citizens refused to pay and the king sent his brother to channel the situation. But a group of farmers attacked the campaign and had to withdraw it. By the king’s revenge, harvests and people’s property were fine, and nineteen farmers were punished. Eight of them were hanged.


Xosé Estévez Rodríguez, Las matxinadas en Euskal Herria: 16th-19th centuries (Nabarralde).

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