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Juan Oñate, conqueror of Gipuzkoan origin in Mexico, ordered the massacre against the Acoma

years ago

22 January 1599,

The Spanish conquerors began a massacre against the native Acoma people in present-day Mexico. On the occasion of land that they wanted to steal, the Acoma neighbours killed eleven Spaniards, including the nephew of Juan de Zaldivar.

Wanting revenge, 500 Acomas who died and survived between 800 and 1,000 Acomas were sentenced to 20 years of slavery. Oñati forced men over 25 to cut a foot.

Oñate was a conqueror of Gipuzkoan origin born in Mexico; he was born in Vitoria or in Oñati his conqueror father Kristobal Oñate and his mother Catalina Salazar and the Chain.

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