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Although the Cross-Bidasoa withdrew Napoleon's army, General Emmanuel Rey took San Sebastian with 2,600 soldiers

years ago

22 June 1813,

Although the Cross-Bidasoa withdrew the Napoleonic army, General Emmanuel Rey took San Sebastian with 2,600 soldiers. In the coming days there were fighting in nearby villages, such as Hernani. The English and Portuguese armies, allied with the Spaniards, immediately besieged the city. On 3 July the British army boats blocked the port of San Sebastian and landed 300 men in Pasaia, with 26 guns and 8 mortars. The bombings that began on 14 July would end with the massacre on 31 August. Once in the city, 1,600 Donostiarras were killed and women of all ages raped by Spanish allies.


Rafael Aguirre, Efemérides, San Sebastian 1813-2013 (Kutxa)

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