Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Mother(ma)'s wool sweater

Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Itxaso Martin Zapirain
Sowing, 2024


The title and cover image (Puntobobo, Wool Bite and Rag Doll) will suggest mental health, making the point and childhood, but more patches will be rolled up as the book unfolds.

Puntobobo is the point where the "point of era" is made, because the simplest, which is learned at the beginning, is always the same. The second is the "point behind" and between these two points, along with the number of turns, the sewing work becomes more and more complex. It can be a metaphor for our society, how normality and what is outside of it are placed, how it brings people closer or away: the central theme of this book.

Mother in Grave A is the first character we will meet in the second story of the book of Itxaso Martín, and it is not a simple detail. In fact, the protagonists of the two stories that intersect in this book are mothers and daughters. The mother with the name in the first story and her daughter Maddi, and the mother with the big letter with no name in the second story and her daughter Ixi.

This novel invites us to reflect on motherhood as well as the relationship between mother and daughter and, in general, to see how the fabric of the family has been sewn. In fact, the ways of communicating are not easy in fraternity, nor are they always verbal: silence and contact (or lack thereof) also say a lot (or keep a lot).

In the same way, women appear in the center. Women’s experiences are universalized and men are left in the background. However, it is not the narration of a feminist utopia, because there is also a patriarchal relationship of power, class oppression or social control of the people through their father, husband, priest, teacher or doctor.

In the kitchen of the house the characters of the first story appear together in words at lunchtime. In the second story, however, the omniscient narrator tells us about the relationship between other mothers and daughters, located mainly inside the house, which will become their refuge. The house will be a third important character that will be alive and will be transformed over the years.

Four women’s stories will form a wool-knitted sweater whose threads will puncture the reader’s skin and create tangles in the entrails.

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