Party and recreation. Oral History of Rock Radical Vasco
Javier 'Jerry' Corral
Books, 2025
Javier Corral ‘Jerry’ was a student of the first Journalism Promotion of the UPV, along with many other well-known names who have been revealing the rock scene in the Basque Country: Belen Mijangos, Roge Blasco, Roberto Moso... has been dedicated to music in the radio and press since the 1980s, from Muskaria to the present day. So, it’s no surprise that you’re stepping up to do this kind of work.
Jerry has worked intensely, with almost 850 pages, and has tried to approach the Rock Radical Vasco from many angles. During the last two or three years he has interviewed a large number of friends: the protagonists of many of the groups we have represented under this label, several journalists and agents (record labels, management...) who have been around were from the time, but, being both from the Basque Country and from abroad, they also walked in other musical coordinates. In addition, he also questioned those who did not live in that period to find out how they receive and understand the legacy and the pose of that time.
The work is very rich because it provides the time to calmly study that mobida here that has once been on everyone’s lips and probably in the ears. The book has received a wide variety of opinions, and for me the reflections received both outside our borders and through the eyes of today are particularly interesting. In fact, this movement, which was designated as RRV by no one who was passionate about music or dedicated to music, went unnoticed. And it seems that the effect of this was – and is – greater than many of us could have imagined.
It’s great to have so many different voices. Some of the essentials are missing among the living, but I would say that there are few shortcomings. And those under the umbrella of the RRV (with or without enthusiasm) have the opportunity to reflect and respond extensively with the added value of distance. On the other hand, it is interesting that in their mouths they talk about us: Ramoncin, Jesus Ordovas of Radio 3, Jaime Gonzalo of Ruta66, Julian Hernández of Siniestro Total, Morfi Grei of La Banda Trapera del Rio, Servando Carballar of Dro and Marivi Ibarrola, among others.
Merina gris
Sonido Muchacho, 2025
Euskal Herrian ez da orain arte horrelako musika elektronikorik egin. Esango nuke Merina Grisek historian euskaraz egin den elektronika eta hyperpop diskorik landuena egin... [+]
Gazteagotan baino lotsa handiagoa dauka, baina horrek ez dio saltsa askotan ibiltzeko gogoa kentzen Leire Zabalza Santestebani (Iruñea, 1990). Beste gauza askoren artean, Motxila 21 musika taldeko kidea da. Nabarmendu du musika gauza asko aldarrikatzeko bide izan... [+]
Bidai on bat
Autoekoizpena, 2024
Nik ez nioke talde bati Braulio izena jarriko; eta seguruenik inork gutxik hasiko luke lan bat sei minutuko iraupena duen kanta batekin. Baina hauei parra die eta horri esker... [+]
Hiuzz + Bloñ + Adur
Noiz: otsailaren 15ean.
Non: Iruñeko Aitzina tabernan (Egun Motelak kolektiboa).
Larunbat goiza Iruñean. Neguko eguzkitan lanera doazen gizon –eta ez gizon– bakarti batzuk... [+]
Things aren’t easy in fact, and it will be for one reason or another, but lately I’ve bitten my tongue more than I should for these two things: the culture of the sold out and the FOMO – the latter perhaps has to be explained, because it’s not said so many times: the... [+]
La Furia
Baga Biga, 2024
Cascanteko La Furia-k bosgarren diskoa plazara atera du. Mimoz eta erraietatik, berarentzat funtsezkoak diren osagai horiekin, prestatu du honako pozima, pozoitsua eta aldi berean... [+]
WHEN: February 2nd.
IN WHICH: In the youth center of Zuia, Murguía.
On September 20 of last year, we first heard about collective music in the profile of the social network they had just created:... [+]