Chulería, fuck!
WHEN: 5 January.
WHERE: At the Kafe Antzokia in Bilbao.
As I filled the room, looking down behind the railing above the theater, I've been playing to see if I find someone younger than me before the concert. Like turning the umbrella around the horseback riding of kings, today the audience has approached the lap of Delirium Tremens, and so it has been Chulería, fuck! The playing ground that the team on the left margin had before starting with the direct one.
They have started with the song Do Algo, which opens La Urbe, published a year ago, and they have been presented in a single song, from the first sentence: “To do something that destroys popular morality / harms hatred and your jugular.” They bring a punk rock, direct and raw, loaded with evil, provocative hostility, without metaphors or concessions.
A main charismatic voice is the protagonist of the direct, with a spectacular ability to swallow stage. No profanation ends with the index finger, and changes the tone in Estación: crudeza yes, rabies also, but has more pain than excitation. Chulería, fuck!
After the first three songs, a short stop to get a message to the audience: how boring you are. They have played some new songs in the next block, which we have recently been able to see in live session format (I always feel regular and Maitia). Also a version of Permanent Paralysis. And meanwhile, another message to the public: yes, yes, now come the balds that are not skinheads, calm!
The singer has gone down to the audience and exploded together with three or four friends in the song 'Your Friends'. The delirious audience has also warmed up, and now you hear whistles and applause. Although it is difficult to take the view of the singer, it should be noted that the blows of Miriam's battery, bass guitars and crowns as a whole make a strong and energetic direct.
Then came Juliana, the third new song, which ended with two songs from the album: Hell and Last Minute. In this way, the order in which they have started is put to an end, with a violent explosion and a warning: “Who hasn’t seen ashtrays fly doesn’t know what this is / That does connect / Not very much the site, because shit travels”. The group doesn't care too much about the site either. Today's public has also been made with them. Like the poop, the charism travels and engulfs the one in front of it.
In a poem by Mussel Tigre it has been read that asking permission and forgiveness when taking public space is a shit. And that's what we've been educated by those of us who haven't been born with a penis between our legs. We also know that the legitimacy to express anger and anger, and people's mockery, has been attributed to virility. So it's not just charisma, it's politics. Step on the ground with boots in spaces occupied by men. Enjoy the mockery of them instead of their approval. Play the card with femininity. The acquisition of violence. In short, do whatever you want. Bravucón, raw, wild and sweet. Long live our queen, unholy!
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