We're in chaos. That has been said to us by the French media, which Parliament has brought down the government on 4 December. The fear that political, institutional, social, economic chaos will rage us all in the horde of hell comes to our veins. What comedy we're going to play in! In what miserable choreography!
Are these dances we carry
in Cadencia?
I prepare for
the excesses of
This stanza refers to dance in a different way: It is taken from a album created in 2019 by the residents of the house Biarritz of Beskoitze. The people who are in Biarritz are very powerless, suffering from serious disabilities. They cannot participate in the dance of life with people who work normally. But there's been a madman who believes in the creative ability of those people, who helps to follow the measure through words. Kittof Prud’homme, an artist who for twenty years has been doing this kind of crazy in the French Basque Country.
In her youth, Kittof studied theatre, music and photography. Fleeing from his bourgeois environment, he thought of anarchist ideas and drawn by the Patxa de Baiona movement, he came here. He learned Euskera and began his career as a passionate Abertzale militant.
Older people were not required to tell them the memories of their childhood, but to express what they had never said to anyone, crossing all moral limits.
The best of her, however, did not go far. After two years of higher education in the field of autism in Paris, he decided to dedicate himself fully to people suffering from mental disorder, asserting their cultural rights. He founded the Heletan Traboules association and within it, the Poteo Atípico festival. It was a theater festival, offered only by people with disabilities. The event was a great success and was organised for several years.
In the last ten years, with the Southern One Fil Association, Kittof has dedicated himself to carrying out numerous creative projects with prisoners marginalized by society: hospital patients, autistic adults and children, gypsy children, families from the immigrant neighborhood of Baiona, people living in nursing homes, young people's homes away from families, young migrants who are brainless. Thanks to their acute ways and knowledge, he has made them make a collection of plays, exhibitions, albums and poems that were heartbreaking, along with his friend Jules Ferran.
Older people were not required to tell their childhood memories, but to express what they had never said to anyone, beyond all moral limits. The Xahar thanked him, because he did not consider them evil beings, but those who still have something to say in this world. Thus he has heard and read a “typical” audience, what the 90 say about sex, love, temporality, the beauty of life, the intimate nudity that provokes the fear of death.
“I’d like to tell you what I’d like to say to you today… But are we on time? Will you be willing to listen to me? / […] Do you hear the sound of this language that has come over the years?
I believe that Kittof Prud’homme was the only one in Ipar Euskal Herria to dedicate himself with passion to the creation of “atypical” audiences in recent years. He died on 24 October, at the age of 54. Let’s see if in the time of general chaos we appear curious humanists like Kittof, and we will be able to face fatality with solidarity, enjoying the free spaces of creation between “typical” and “atypical”, with simple courtesy.
Bidali zure iritzi artikuluak iritzia@argia.eus helbide elektronikora
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