Let's talk clearly, bluntly, without having to move later to say what I had to say: this game, which consists of putting together the letters in Basque, happened to Axular. Almost as soon as the game is invented, in such a way that in most of Gero's pages the author gives the impression of how those adolescents of today, turning on the screen of an overly known video game, face the goal directly. Axular tries to catch syntactic risk jumps one after the other, teaching that the complicated lexical braids easily escape and, unfortunately, insert into that elaborated Arabic literally ambitious references such as Aristotle, Plutarco or Pliny, among others.
B.V. And the ARGIA people have asked me to give me two pages about this book. Two pages. Axular is in favor of doing things tailor-made – “You already have honey, so eat to the extent that you have, and no more, too satiety for you to become a bird in your mouth” – and we will have to comfort ourselves with it. In addition, the teacher also felt quite overtaken at some point – “But why do I get into the deep sea?” – and as here we have to mount a cache much smaller proportionally than him, we are not going to start making complaints and sighs.
This article on Gero is therefore divided into two parts: in the first, the damage caused by excessive immersion in the deep waters of Axular, the subsequent transfer of other tasks, is made known. The second article addresses and advances the reader who wants to use this book in current life.
Whoever takes in his hands this magnum opus from the Basque literature will do well to have the notebook and the pen next to him. In this way, fascinated by the sewing of the phrases of the book, which he can copy, write with his own hands and, in this way, he will feel for a moment that it is he, the reader, who does not read but writes; that he is this genius and complete figure of the Basque letters; that he is the author of this essay, the same pastor of Sara, Pedro Axular.
However, in the case of this particular reader, the fantasy lasted little, because, in order not to lose anything, he began to copy, phrase by phrase, the whole book in the bloc, thus literally becoming Moleskine, and it got so laboriously and with such difficulty, that from one moment to another he decided to change strategy. Faced with the idea of how crazy and how helpless a new copy of His Majesty’s work, he went on to orally declaim the book passages in the living room of the house. This is the last note in the booklet: “I don’t care what I say: reciting these pages is like pouring diamonds through my mouth.”
I don't know if the family agrees, though. I think that if excuses and means of evasion are exempted, if moratoriums are exempted, they will want nothing more than to complete this text once and for all, so that it can be sent for good, for only then will I be able to allow myself to perform the domestic functions promised to me. I hear it say aloud that that washing machine is not going to fill itself, that it's not going to spin on its own. And when the centrifugation is over, you need to hang up to the cleanest garments that exist, that have to dry up and be laid out in the sun, it is neither good nor fair that these operations be extended from day to day, from present to future and from future.
I'm going to ask myself my questions about my dirty clothes and I'm going to keep telling you things back.
Well, here I am, resolved to what may have to be done. And I must point out that there are some corrupt beliefs, some poisonous fruits of posterity, some lies and false testimony that have driven the readers of Axular’s book away for generations, so that many Basques of today – who undoubtedly love “unwritten leisure” – believe that it is an old and difficult book. Then, just collect it boring, get it.
Not of the same mind was the precursor of all the red poets here, Gabriel Aresti, who, in addition to the words written by Axular in prohibited law, also used the structures taken from Gero, updated them and discovered through them the summits of poetry in Basque. Thus says, for example, Axular: “That’s why God seems to want the sea to move once, but he wants it to move, to move, to leave.” And so in Aresti, Gizonaren mouth-n: “But don’t do it, / but don’t do it, / don’t do it, / you don’t have the lid / man’s mouth. / To be served / word / word / service”. Maybe the bilbaík suspected –T.S. With Eliot’s hand, without a doubt – that Futuroa literature is contemplated in past literature, and at least I, with her, in Gero do not seek the old charm of a lost writing, but find a touchstone for the words of tomorrow, knowing, yes, that the sharp edge of the knife does not have to stand against its gloss.
The dazzling glow will also be illuminated today in the sentences of this book, as Axular can be used for everything: To speak of the king emeritus of Spain – “An ohoin, a player, a renegade, a vulture, a vulture, is sick” – to speak of the most progressive government in history – “they are harassed, emitted, pointed and torn apart. They say ‘I will do it’, and they do it once. This is what happens to them all the time, and they also pass, tune and end”; to warn them of the dangers of overthinking – “you make a thousand penises and reflections through yourself, a thousand towers and castles. You become Pope, you become king, you become rich, you become ambiguous (...) And meanwhile, understand him by saying that the use you take out of there is the loss of time and nothing but the loss of time, to remind you that you have to park near the door of the supermarket – “At what time we are, therefore, children, because you think that with the great burden you are going to govern better than with the world”.
To put it briefly, with simplicity and with the words of the teacher, therefore: “Before you have the pacifier.” Do not leave Then for another moment, because “Why do we have to leave it for later, not for forty days, but after having had some security?”
Literaturaren ideia establezituak egiten dituen eskakizunen artean, badira indar handiz inposatzen diren bi. Horietako lehena da literaturaren eremua gizakion barne-mundua dela, intimitatea, eta ez morala. Literaturak landu ditzake auzi moralak, baina beren indibidualtasunean,... [+]
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Thinking about literary classics necessarily means thinking from today. It is precisely the classical name that is conditioned to the fact that these works have come to this day, so to think about them is to think about how and why those works have come to us, to ask how and for... [+]