Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

A catharsis of oneself

Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Non: Iparragirre Rock Association (Gernika).
WHEN: 5 October.
WHERE: Regular.


This is not a live concert chronicle. In any case, under the tablement is a chaotic account of the occurrences that occur in the confluence of individual pain and collective pleasure. A messy exchange between that individual but collective voice that is catharsis and theory. In the absence of one's own, an attempt to tell one's own catharsis through the words of others.

Wounds. Cruel. At a stroke of maza.

María Zapata, based on the works of Judith Butler and Ariana Cavero, makes a distinction between fragility and vulnerability, and proposes to relate vulnerability to fragility. The anthropologist says that vulnerability is the radical exposure to the world to receive blows, but also caresses. Being vulnerable is, therefore, lifting the feet of cruel reality. And as a result, sometimes, it gets stuck in the deepest mob of oneself, unable to swim.

You're not, my friend.

The hardest part, perhaps, is not seeing handles where to get back up after you hit the bottom. Someone who caresses you or at least feels next to you while you lick your wounds.


But the end doesn't come when you feel like you've touched the ground. The end comes when he gives up on the ground. This surrender is to become aware of vulnerability and accept it. And to this follows a kind of peace of mind, the patience of surrender. And this rest is the one that opens up a gap in the ground that you're launched on. And that crack lets you see that there are shooters that until then you couldn't see.

Children of alienation. Comrade.

Words are loops, yours or others, melodies and eyes of others who have surrendered to the ground. The ones that hold you. Ariana S. Cota argues that collective capacity for action can only be developed by accepting a vulnerable situation, by being together and doing things together. Make Synt-punk sad, raw, and dancing, for example, hear or dance.

He lives after death.

What comes after you've hit bottom and raised is not happiness. It is life, with its new blows and caresses. But Zapata says that the greatest strength is the awareness of vulnerability. Shared vulnerability, strength. Maybe that's why you see the strength on the board. A fortress after the sum of individual, synthetic, fragile and full of musical complicity. From one quartet to four people at intervals and back to the quartet. And the listeners that's why we've done all the songs from a single LP in our pain expression group. And so in every chorus, we dance cruelty, and as Asun Pié Balaguer said, we praise the revolt of vulnerability.

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