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Amadeo Llados 'youtuber'-a.
Amadeo Llados 'youtuber'-a.
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

He got up and spent 20 minutes in the gym. Go back and read [some books] and write about what you've thought. I don’t think about how I feel, time is lost.”

Amadeo Llados is a fitness athlete and coach, as a personal trainer, but your training and tips go beyond the sport. For example: “Sleep eight hours? That's the poorest. I work more than you, I am healthier and I am richer.” It has three million followers on social media, most of them on Instagram. He is considered a “benchmark in personal development,” but he is actually a guru, leader of his sect.

Madrileño of birth, lives in Miami in a big house and shows that “luxury” life at all times, especially in top-class cars, which is her marketing strategy. As he teaches that, he gives “advice,” indicating what needs to be done to be like him.

Mindset. “Mindset for life.” That's what Llados is constantly talking about, as Pamplona psychologist Claudia Nicolasa pictured in an interesting video report. It is a concrete mentality that supposedly pursues two objectives: to be strong – the stereotyped body of the gym – and to have money. You have to pay to receive these “tips” and “workouts”. The figures are not public, but those who have managed to leave this sect have ensured that the base rate is EUR 100 and that a minimum of EUR 10,000 can be reached. Of course, the structure is very pyramidal, and you pay more and more, you're higher up, so you have more moments to stand by your side and more concrete tips for “success.”

Everything you touch becomes “gold” and you just have to listen to it, as this is a world full of “commoners” and “losers”. There is a particular emphasis on that.

He engages in the exercise of Burpees or “frog jump” – a bending on the ground, getting up, jumping and bending again as quickly as possible. You have to indicate what you are doing every day, so by promoting competition, people are blind. Get up a few hours before the sun goes out, to make burpees.

One of the ways to make money is that your affiliates have to throw that Mindset to the four winds. Let each one start making videos of that style, getting on the net, spreading that mindset. And make good videos, work visits to succeed.

"Doesn't it work for you? The Bergars
Paulo Azpiazu, harrijasotzaile, was in that sect of Llados. It has come to pay EUR 10,000.

He spoke in the video-report. Llados said: “If you don’t see the results in the moment, it’s because you’re obsessed with greed. You don't have to. You have to work harder.” Azpiazu remembers: “It makes you feel bad. So instead of getting up at 05:00, you get up at 04:00 to make more jokes. And if you made a video a week for your Youtube channel, now you're going to make five."

Now he is aware that Azpiazu was “terrible” what he did before, a thousand burpees a day, in the rain, rising early. And, Llados told them, if the family or friends questioned the “mentality of life” they followed, to send them to shit, because it is the “mentality of the losers”. People have abandoned all their friends and relationships to follow the directions of Llados.

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