Elena Francis is a fictional name, but it was a radio program from Francoist Spain: Elena Francis Clinic. Spanish women sent a letter to it to consult the driver of the program: How do you make a good Russian salad to dazzle your husband? And preserves it with fruit? How to cook with fat to eat grilled and chorizo with legumes?
These and three other real questions are included in Elena Francis' letters. A sentimental education under Franco. Sentimental education during Francoism). That is, in the eyes of her husband, these women were asking what “a good housewife” would look like.
From the present point of view, such events seem rather Kafkian. But no. An up-to-date version of all this is the tradwife phenomenon –traditive-wife in English; “traditional wife”–, a movement that has its support in society. It does not seem to be particularly widespread and accepted, but it is not an easy matter.
One of the most well-known promoters of the Tradwife phenomenon is the American Estee Williams, a Republican, Christian and White – it does not seem to be a coincidence. She's a happy housewife. In the videos he says that it is not a question of promoting a “single prototype woman” like his, but that each one is free to decide his... but, in his opinion, “we could not all have the same role in society”.
She likes to cook and tell her followers recipes on social media. It does so with pleasure, which makes the debate more complex. And it's that, despite her taste, her husband is making her like it all the time, making sweet dishes, and that message, full of happiness, has a hidden knife. Because the need for the husband to feel at ease is normalizing.
A similar controversy involved the young Spanish woman known as RoRo, TikTok's viral. As his boyfriend and his friends like these and other dishes, he has spent hours and hours in the kitchen. “I like to teach love with food,” he said, apparently very happy in front of the camera. Of course he makes it happy, or that's what he says. That's what caused the controversy.
For several days RoRo gave much to talk in Spain. On the subject, writer, historian and former politics Esther López Barceló, in an article written in El Salto, we read: “What happens is that, as it is based on their free choice, it can give the impression that it is a legitimate and pleasant option for others, because being influencer gives it social validity and the public can decide, with total normality, to follow the path of RoRo. In the end, it looks like she's a girl who cares about her partner, right?"
He told me that what I had seen learned ... What kind of responsibility do influencers have to be held accountable for?