Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Apology of the terror of the Civil Guard in a semi-idesiert square

For the first time since its creation 180 years ago, the Guardia Civil celebrated the day of its patron and Hispanidad outside the barracks and in the center of Vitoria-Gasteiz. There have been the mayor of Vitoria-Gasteiz and the delegate of the Spanish Government, the bishop of Vitoria-Gasteiz, the judges, the Ertzainas, in tribute to the “exemplary” work carried out to Spain, the king and the Civil Guard in the “fight against terrorism”. Half an hour earlier, the Total Memory platform held an event at the Artium Museum, “in the face of the pain and revictimization generated in us by tributes and public tributes to one of the main perpetrators of crimes against us.” The room has been small and many people have been left out, while Plaza Nueva has been too big for the Benemérites. The wound that is unclosed is now more open than it was yesterday.

Text: Zigor Olabarria Oleaga
Photo: Two by Two

2024-10-18 | Leire Ibar
More than half of the Spanish wealth is concentrated in the hands of 10% of the population
According to a report published by Oxfam Intermón, 1% of the capital of the Spanish State is in the hands of the richest, 22.4% of the capital.Por other side, 50% of the poorest owns 7.8% of the total wealth of the State.

"We always put the oxygen mask on others and if there's time, on everyone."
The book 7,300 milligrams eszitalopram by journalist Iratxe Etxebarria gathers the reflections written in the crisis situation and the tools that have helped him.

Xamarrek ‘Orhipean, Gure Herria ezagutzen’ liburuaren edizio berria aurkeztu du

Gaur Donostian Orhipean, Gure Herria ezagutzen liburuaren edizio berria aurkeztu dute. Bertan Izan da egilea Xamar eta berarekin batera Antton Luku, Isabel Isazelaia eta Lander Majuelo.

2024-10-18 |
Women's Hip-hop Festival to be held on 9 November in Bilbao
On 9 November, starting at 17:30 a.m., the hip-hop festival will be held in which women are protagonists. The festival has brought together women artists with a renowned track record in the field of hip-hop and rap.

2024-10-18 | Urumeako Kronika
The festival 'Hariak', witness the stories of resistance, from 7 to 17 November in Hernani
This year’s edition will be the third, and the topic of memory will be the axis, the Feminist Intercultural Plaza.

2024-10-18 | Hala Bedi
Araba Bizirik called a demonstration against macro-projects for 26 October in Gasteiz
Under the motto “Araba is not for sale” and “There are no macro-projects”, they have made the appeal. On 26 October they will meet at 18:00 hours to denounce the energy model aimed at “guaranteeing private profits” and the “role played by the institutions”... [+]

Why are Renfe trains painted with more graffiti than ever before?
Within the decline of the public transport service, although this is a purely aesthetic aspect, it has become usual to see the trains painted and, even if it is for once, it is not for economic reasons, as the workers have explained.

According to Sare's calculations
The reform of Law 7/14 would affect 52 prisoners and seven will leave immediately
That is what the Sare partnership announced this Thursday. Attempts have been made so far to ensure that the reform of the law is not effective, but we do not have to vote again in Congress, as the pp intended. This week, therefore, the law will be published in the Official... [+]

Israel says it is "very possible" for Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar to die after the bombing of a school in which 28 people died.
Israel says Hamas chief Yahya Sinwar was killed in an attack, "the most wanted man" for the Israeli army on Thursday. DNA tests are being conducted on the corpse in order to confirm the news. In the Israeli bombing of a school in Gaza, Israel has killed 28 people and wounded more... [+]

2024-10-17 | Leire Ibar
Anxiety loss in the Spanish state affects 20% of employees who moderate Facebook content
Around a thousand workers today reported that around twenty workers reported in April the alleged violation of fundamental rights of the company CCC Barcelona Digital Services, subcontracted on Facebook, in Spain. They define the working climate as "gestapo."

2024-10-17 | Mondraberri
Mondragon City Hall
“The cross of Udalatx will not be rebuilt because it is a protected space”
On Saturday morning, Udalatx showed up without a cross. The Town Hall of Arrasate, for its part, announced the same day that it would investigate the disappearance of the cross.

2024-10-17 | UEU
Manex Agirre Arriolabengoa
"We Basques have a lot to do and empower ourselves."
"School of Empowerment for Euskaldunes. The school "Jobs to stop being a subordinate prayer" has been organized in Vitoria-Gasteiz within the programming of Izaskun Arrue Kulturgunea (IAK) and with the collaboration of UEU. The school's dynamism is Manex Agirre Arriolabengoa... [+]

The trade unions call on the Government of Navarra to become involved in the negotiation of the convention of disability care centres
Workers lost 23% purchasing power until the 2019 agreement was signed, according to sources. The employers have now proposed freezing wages and reducing working conditions, although they have not made any changes. The PSN has announced that it will promote the updating of the... [+]

2024-10-17 | Julene Flamarique
The “People We Are” on Nov. 16 with a movie marathon
The initiative was presented last June in Donostia-San Sebastián. In addition to the musical marathon, live shows are scheduled in Pamplona/Iruña, Donostia-San Sebastián, Bilbao and Vitoria-Gasteiz this Wednesday. They will be twelve hours “representing Euskal Herria” and... [+]

2024-10-17 | ARGIA
Four GKS members have chained themselves in the Spanish Government’s headquarters in Bilbao and Pamplona to call for “the cessation of all contact” with Israel
Incidents have taken place with the Ertzaintza and the National Police in Bilbao and in Pamplona/Iruña. According to social media reports, at least two people have been arrested in one of them and have already been released.

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