Netanyahu had several reasons for this escalation. First of all, 60,000 settlers from northern Israel have left their homes and will not return without the Government guaranteeing their security. Secondly, the radicals of the Netanyahu government want to end Hezbollah and threaten it to destroy the Israeli Government if Hezbollah does not die (realists know that this is not possible). Thirdly, there may be hope that Hezbollah will surrender to pressure and accept a ceasefire that leaves Gaza out. Finally, there is a possibility that Israel will lead the United States to the fight and end the war against Iran. Netanyahu has been fighting for it for decades.
On 17 September, Israel launched a terrorist attack on members of Hezbollah. These troops, who used search engines for people to receive alarms and orders, were part of the civilian administration branch of Hezbollah, not the armed combatants.
After that, the aggression against a high military command in Hezbollah was more serious. He was attacked when he met with officials of the special forces of Hezbollah. However, this attack will not harm the operation of Hezbollah either. They are guaranteed the chain of command of Hezbollah, in almost all circumstances. Indeed, each High Official has designated a substitute to occupy immediately the presidencia.Esos two Israeli
attacks in Gaza required the response of Hezbollah, who has refused to be violent. Until then, Hezbollah maintained “strategic patience,” but it reached the limit.
The response to Israel’s attacks is part of a further war that has now begun.
They responded with missiles within a certain field of action beyond the border between Lebanon and Israel. Some of these missiles reached the city of Haifa, a port and an industrial complex located 40 kilometres south of the border.
Since 8 October 2023, the conflict between Israel and Hezbollah has been uneven. Israel has bombed Lebanon eight times more than Israel. Now, Israel has publicly justified the attacks, arguing that this is a policy of “de-escalation through escalation” which, it says, will bring peace on its part with Hezbollah.
But the radical members of Netanyahu’s cabinet publicly tell the true goals of the Zionists. For example, Minister Yoav Kisch made the following statements: “There is no difference between Hezbollah and Lebanon. As things stand at the moment, Lebanon will be destroyed. I insist very much. Lebanon is not what they know. I will not take care of capturing the missiles of Hezbollah. The price of attacks from Lebanese territory will be paid by the Lebanese State.” When the journalist asked him about the use of the term “annul”, he replied that it would be “more concrete”: “I will correct it. It will not be destroyed; Lebanon will not exist as we know it. He will pay a high price because of Hezbollah.”
They use the policy of the destroyed land. It is assumed that the southern part of Lebanon will finally be occupied and that the Israeli settlements will be relocated there.
In addition, Daniel Hagari, spokesman for the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), explained in a video that Hezbollah is launching missiles from the “civil houses” and told what IDF’s intentions are to dismantle it. The researcher and analyst specialized in Lebanon, Sam Heller, warned of what he said in the video: "Israeli officials say that almost every building in southern Lebanon hides large missiles. Excuses are being advanced for massively destroying civil infrastructures, they are attempts to promote the division between Hezbollah and the plain people.”
Since 22 September, Israel has carried out countless air strikes against Hezbollah positions in most civilian areas of southern Lebanon. In a single day, about 400 people died in Lebanon and nearly 2,000 people were injured [article published on 23 September]. Hundreds of thousands of people living in southern Lebanon have fled north or are fleeing.
Hezbollah responded by attacking military and industrial military production facilities. It is hoped that more sophisticated weapons will soon be used to attack targets in Tel Aviv, 120 kilometres from the border, and beyond.
In Lebanon there will be many images of damage and victims, but details will also be unveiled about Hezbollah ' s attacks on Israel.
The Israeli Government, once again, has issued a general directive to all the media to ensure that no photos or information on possible damages are provided. Military censors appearing in all drafts shall ensure that these requirements are complied with.
The North War will continue that way for days, weeks and months.
It's the war of moral erosion. What population will be the first to call for an end to the struggle?
How long will the tiny citizens of Tel Aviv sit in bunkers night and day without asking for any change?
The Shia religion supports suffering and the will to die as a martyr. Will the Shiites of Lebanon be the first to call for the end?
For my part, I will never bet against the religiosity of the Shiites or against Hezbollah’s ability to sustain a struggle.
While the North War continues to deliver international news, the genocidal Zionist war in Gaza continues.
Israel has plans to destroy northern Gaza, which has four major cities, causing 1.3 million people to starve there and through ethnic cleansing.
Netanyahu has already officially put these plans on the table and is expected to continue with them.
Gauze is at the center of the conflict. If Israel approves the ceasefire in Gaza, the North War will also end immediately. It is Netanyahu who is blocking the road to a peaceful solution, and also the administration of Biden, which is supporting it.
* Moon of Alabama is a blog specializing in geopolitics and its author signs the articles under the pseudonym 'b'. Here's the original article.
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