They have been completed, the means have been put in place and quite quickly. What a relief when everything was quiet! But the balance has been great and yet another terror has been piled up behind his eyes, because at some point they thought they might never return, or not at all. I thought they could pass without knowing that kind of loneliness.
Loneliness with you, with that inevitable day-to-day companion that has been missed. He's set to walk on his side and you, if you stay a little bit of that (that's what we've had some), then you'll stay, with the neuron behind you contracted, scared. To singer Ivan Ferreiro, I think I heard the expression -- "cosmic fear." There is nothing greater than the fear that you have told yourself, that distorts you what you have called reality, the soul, that distells you almost of your personality and introduces you to a Poe story. Already recovered, you will always watch so that it does not reappear.
Loneliness with the environment. "They don't understand it," he repeated terrified. “No, they don’t understand it,” perhaps as we don’t understand a pneumonia; we have our brains breathless, and oxygenated brains are not prepared to show what they’re able to do with the breakdown of the chemical balance that leads in the skull.
Loneliness if you turn to public services when the doctor who is not a psychiatrist and who has listened to you for five minutes cannot open much more than the prescription book. When you are told that you will stay alone, without naming yours, without you or yours understanding it, and at the mercy of cheap psychology and destructive esoterisms that produce soul and personality and mental things, and that, therefore, is not cured. And so you've been told that there are diseases that kill that Osakidetza doesn't treat. There are no psychiatrists for everyone. There are no psychiatrists for almost anyone. And psychiatric illnesses, like depression, kill him. They're deadly.
The means for this have therefore been formed, and quite quickly. Because I had almost two hundred euros to pay for the private consultation. Because within the deadlines set by Osakidetza, you wouldn't need a doctor, but someone who would tell you what the best window is, to jump to what the rest of the sun sets. And when I jump, a thousand existential explanations. OK. I'd prefer before the jump, a little serotonin. And decent public services, so the class doesn't kill us once again.
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