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Tuka is called
Tu-K, 2024


Electronic music has reached the Basque Country!”, you can read in recent years in headlines here and there. Journalists have delivery dates before it's time to think, and of course, that's not possible. We have already said that electronic music is older in the Basque Country than rock itself. Or, rather, they walked in the same way. The Mikel Laboa Bat-Hiru (Herri Gogoa, 1974) used Moog synthesizers, etc., for example.

The fact is that they have recovered from Ondarroa a couple of models recorded between 1986 and 89 and bring them with some unpublished songs: It says tuka (tu-ka-tu-tu-tu-tu-ka, sound of rhythmic boxes). Maybe because the retro is back, but the songs are still fresh, how is this journey possible in time?

At that time, perhaps, they did not find enough space with the format (bass, guitar and rhythm box), and they decided to transform it, creating the Piztiak group. It's curious. Recovered, because they seem from the time, in the vegetable garden terminology. Does nobody hear in Itoiz the taste of riff and melody? “There’s something I’m very interested in on this issue, and that is, how groups in the same region took a crystalline image creating what is called the scene; today it seems that everything is a niche and you can’t repeat that of anyone else.”

And the questions: Why have we waited so long to recover our 1980 electronics? (See Haizetxe by Alberto Lizarralde, for example). What does ETA’s fight against nightclubs have to do with it? What does electronic music have to do with the alleged relationships between drugs? In other words, what is the relationship between the direction of Basque music and political strategies? And especially with nationalism?

Let's see, just to point out the shot: it's not that (although some want to reduce the debate) the Basque Radical Rock absorbs everything. The fact is that in the period 1990-2010, a large part of the Basque culture lived in the chosen isolation, with the apothetical exception of Esan Ozenki, NG and FM.

That is, in Euskal Herria it has not always been copied late or badly. There have been times when he too has had his own voice of the time. This TU-K is a good example for me, making formats that are now fashionable, before we are born ourselves. Another, which nobody knows, is that the trapa rhythms arrived earlier on the Iberian peninsula through Nizuri Tazuneri Norzzone than through Pxxr Gvng. It's another subject, I know, but you have to put it somewhere.

Total The rescued works give us joy and tell your uncles and aunts to publish the models that you have kept at home. So we will understand better that Euskal Herria was not what is said. And there will be something else.

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