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Neorromanticism in two styles

?Euskadiko Orkestra. Zuzendaria: Giancarlo Guerrero. Bakarlaria: Federico Colli (pianista). Egitaraua: Rachmaninoven Piano eta Orkestrarako 2. Kontzertua, do minorrekoa, op. 18, eta Richard Straussen Macbeth, op. 23, eta Don Juan, op. 20 poema sinfonikoak
?Euskadiko Orkestra. Zuzendaria: Giancarlo Guerrero. Bakarlaria: Federico Colli (pianista). Egitaraua: Rachmaninoven Piano eta Orkestrarako 2. Kontzertua, do minorrekoa, op. 18, eta Richard Straussen Macbeth, op. 23, eta Don Juan, op. 20 poema sinfonikoak. Lekua: Iruñeko Baluarte Auditorioa. Data: Ekainaren 18a. Argazkia: Patxi Cascante / Euskadiko Orkestra. ?

The concert season of the Basque Orchestra ends with an extraordinary concert at the Baluarte de Pamplona. A nice concert, of those who want to applaud the listeners, with many stays

mulos.El first of these incentives was the Italian soloist Federico Colli, who has won the Salzburg and Leeds competitions. The 35 year-old pianist is considered one of the most important of his generation, so the attendees’ curiosity was great.
To test his skills, Colli at Rachmaninov 2nd. He played a wonderful, monotonous piano concert. Many of us think that the biggest concert of this Russian composer is the third, the one that drinks the most from the sources of Russian folklore, magical and fully virtuosistic, but the second is the one that is most widely heard and most widespread. The Brief Encounter by Noel Coward and The Seven Year Itch by Billy Wilder (The Temptation Lives Up) are among the films in which this work was heard. It's no wonder they get into these and other movies. It is a melodious concert, with

a rich orchestration, full of unforgettable themes and which allows the brightness of the pianista.En as far as interpretation, there was something irregular, especially in the first movement: there was a decalage between the orchestra and the soloist, as if the rubats of both did not correspond well. Maybe that's why, at some points, the pianist was too measured or too mechanical in his interpretation. However, they were able to appreciate their excellent technique and their original vision of the score. The motives, more hidden, that are usually in the shadow, Colli distinguishes them from a different perspective. The third movement ended with great success and was very applauded by the public.

The director – Giancarlo Guerrero, another of the stimuli of the concert – saw it more comfortable in the second part. The impetus and round sound of Richard Strauss's symphonic poems fit perfectly with Guerrero's steering style. These two works of youth at Strauss helped the director to create contrasts and demonstrate his ability to give special dynamism to the team. Great for real.

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Pure feeling and voice party

The ABAO 2023/2024 season ends with the title always awaited by the public. One of Puccini's masterpieces is an opera that, despite having heard a thousand times, always arouses intense feelings. Furthermore, on this occasion we have been able to enjoy first-line soloists, who... [+]

Freshness and variety

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Puccini: the favorite

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Brightness in music, abrupt production

What: Opera 'Rigoletto' by Verdi organized by the ABAO.
From: Bilbao Orkestra Sinfonikoa and Bilboko Opera Abesbatza. Place:
Euskalduna Palace of Bilbao. Date: 23 February.


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Opera Sequestro de Serrallo (Die Entführung dem Serail) by Mozart organized by the ABAO.
Of: The Basque Symphony Orchestra and the Coros of the Bilbao Opera.
Where: Basque Palace of Bilbao.
When: 20 January.

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A fantasy for children on the axis of classical music
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New singer Maite Idirin fired on Wednesday in Angelu
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Royal Filigree

Euskadi Symphony Orchestra
Director: Juraj Valcuha.
Narrator: Dorleta Urretabizkaia
Programme: Works by Copland and Mahler.
Where: Teatro Principal de Vitoria.
When: 15 December.


The Euskadi Orchestra has joined the... [+]

An outstanding classic

Opera Romeo et Juliette de Gounod organized by ABAO.
Soloists: Nadine Sierra, Javier Camarena, Andrzej Filonczyk, Marko Mimica, Anna Alàs Jové, Fernando Latorre, Alejandro del Cerro, Ixaro Mentxaka.
When: 21 October.
Where: Basque Palace of Bilbao.

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Wholesale opening

Euskadi Symphony Orchestra
Director: Robert Treviño.
Sociedad Coral de Bilbao
Address: Enrique Azurza.
Soloist: Justina Gringyté (Mezzo).
Programme: 3rd Mahler Symphony.
When: 30 September.
Where: Basque Palace of Bilbao.

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Eguneraketa berriak daude