Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

"Getting off the stage, leading a normal life and seeing things happen gives us a new vision."

  • We've been quoted in a bar in the Uribarri Bilbaite neighborhood. It reaches the guitar area. Just released the album In the brilliance of your banks, Francis Díez has been captured on the concert tour. He's a great speaker and a nice musician. Talking with him is learning. It creates new threads for debate and makes the listener reader think. When we talk about life, when the pussy has a drink nearby, so we've started to ask ourselves.
Hodei Torres / ARGIA CC BY SA
Hodei Torres / ARGIA CC BY SA
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

After so much time in the music world, what do you sing to today?
One of the songs tells you what this story is about. There is an existential aspect. I remember the poet José Hierro, we sang “give it all, not at all” of a poem that we have taken him. To that I sing: to nothing, to a road that goes nowhere. We are in that part of life, where everything and nothing are together, and then we have to be aware of where we are going and begin to accept our destiny with affection and tranquility. That is our existential part. The proximity of death. Your father dies for you, close people too... So you have to start taking reality and talking to it. Learning to age. But also with the enthusiasm to continue living, which are four days, and two rainy... Let's live as well as possible. If you can learn something in that way, better. In the brilliance of your eyes you want to refer to that, to our ability to create bonds, to love ties, to the people who help and support you... There's a glow there, and we'd like to realize that.

And today, how and at what point do you start creating songs? How do you create new songs for Doctor Deseo in the times we live?
Playing. I grab the guitar and start creating it. I have one very good thing for this: a memory deficit. It is a question I have as a child with me, it gives me problems for some things, for example for learning languages or for educational issues. At the time of schooling, everything like parrots had to be repeated, and I had no capacity to do so.

Instead, I have a great emotional memory. And consequently, the ability to copy. But I don't literally copy, that's what I'm bad at. I fix chunks of songs from each other and create new ones with what's left in my head. I grab the guitar and I start playing and they can have hints of other songs. So I get new songs, but the copies go unnoticed. “What do I think I’ve taken of Lou Reed?” And their peers are surprised because they don't perceive many similarities. “And this new trap I’ve created?” and they don’t find anything like the rag. And so on. It's a fun way, and I've realized that memory deficit is good for me, when I play with songs, melodies, my arrangements, what's left is just the emotion and flavor that they produce to me. And that's mine.

Hodei Torres / ARGIA CC BY, S.A.

It can be said that there is a song by Doctor Deseo, after so many songs, melodies and stories. Maybe you don't remember them.
Yes, I'm aware that every time I open my mouth it's noticeable that it's me. The voice has also been evolving, and now perhaps I have it harder in the area, because I've also been younger. It will seem healing to you, but we have our stymotto, which defines ourselves. But I would say yes, we have something that, when you listen, you can say that “this is Doctor Deseo.”

In the last work they have published half a dozen songs, following the path from runba to electronics.
I'm a very open person. I have not remained in nostalgia, I am not one of those who listen to the “music of our time”. Our time? It's our time. I live day to day. That's for me the contemporary. My brain hears music differently. For example, it happens to me with television commercials: I don't know what they're talking about, but sometimes I stick with the bass melody. I go to concerts, and without going through the essence of the song, I look at what an instrument does. I am aware of production. I keep a melody and then I head back without knowing who it is.

I prefer to listen to the trap melodies that are produced internationally and in our own, than that Dylan that we always begin to listen to. I certainly want pop culture, and I try to listen to everything. From the Chuck Berry born in the 1950s, through the rock&roll explosion, through the soul of 1960, all underground, hip-hop melodies, electronics... All of this stimulates us. And many other styles that aren't there, like the tank or the cabaret of interwar. We drink from all the melodies we hear. My way of singing also has some flamenco (that is to say a lot! ). Even if it’s a long way away, my way of singing will also have something from Mikel Laboa, who knows!

You have been in the same mold for years: you publish the album, turn and after the rest. And resume.
I think it has worked for us. At first, this mold meant the launch of Elkarri. We recorded our third work with our friend Ritxi Aizpuru, and we were told that our character of Guadiana was nothing viable in the music industry. Over time, many groups have adopted this way of creating, and it's very interesting. But the truth is, I think we don't have much rest. We leave the taboos, but not the music. The musician can live unceasing on stage, because everything that happens in him is enormous. But for different things to happen, you have to work it all, create it and go back to normal life and spend things. Coming down from the stage, taking distance, doing normal life and seeing things happen, giving a new perspective, and giving us a desire to keep creating songs. Many end up hating what they wanted so much: music. We are always excited. And we've had the opportunity to develop it.

"The musician lives constantly on the table, but for different things to happen you have to work everything."

How many records have you released?
Eighteen. And the last fifteen at this rate, except when the pandemic caught us in the middle, because we also had to give up everything.

I have always said that we are a very Marxist group which, after being born out of nowhere, has reached the highest levels of misery. We're here. We're not Fito, but we've been around for more than 30 years, and we're happy with the road. The disappearance of music in the world is the easiest thing, and we continue to work here. We see that what we do is important also to people in the same way that it serves us. Only that is worth it.

In your long trajectory, lately sold out is the most mentioned word.
Yes, but we didn't fill the BEC, we filled the rooms. And we're very happy, very grateful. We know that it is insane in the world of music, but the concept of slow that is mentioned so much now has always been practiced by us. We've never wanted to play more than 30 concerts in the same season, we've always gotten out of the car to be able to work differently. That's the only opportunity we have to love our work. Money, status -- there's a lot there. It's our choice.

Do you think you've found a way to live music, to live with music and to enjoy?
I could not give advice to anyone, but it has served us. We've focused on a lot of people, who does what they do, but if ours serves someone, a lot.

And what did you pay attention to in the environment?
In Euskal Herria, I like that of the Chill Mafia. Zoro is a huge crew. They are joyful and I think they contribute. Today they are from that trap culture in mainstream, they do very good things in the world; before the difference between mainstream and the alternative world was quality, but today I think there are very beautiful things. And Chill Mafia moves away from the dominant model. I believe that what they do is a contribution. They also connect with something deeply rooted in Navarra: Huajalotes, Lendakaris, Bizardunak... I also like Kai Nakai, which can be antithesis. That and a lot more. The direct ones don't follow much, I can't imagine with the tracksuit.

Coming to your neighborhood I realized there are many Athletic flags on the balconies. You were also in Seville at the end, playing in the field of amateurs.
It was a terrible awkwardness. I’m nothing futbolero, but if Athletic wins, I’m one of those who say “we’ve won”, I’m glad and I celebrate it. If they lose themselves, they lose; I'm not there. And I'm glad I won.

Those who enjoyed it most were us in Seville. There were 20,000 people in a potato field, and the queues that had to be paid too much to catch a catxi. An hour's waiting for anything. And we were very good, really. Going onstage during the day and seeing that crowd is amazing. All red and white. And they took us back and forth in the van. An honor. Aupa Athletic!

Hodei Torres / ARGIA CC BY, S.A.

Besides betting on Athletic, what would you choose today Doctor Deseo?
For a lot of things. If we had to bet on Gaza, we would be there. Even if we had to fight against the far-right that is being imposed around the world. There are many reasons. Against all current Putin. Now that the world is in a position to be frightened, we have to be vigilant.

And from this bilbaíno neighborhood of Uribarri, how does the rest of the Basque Country see?
We're on the navel of the world, on the good side. Then we can sharpen the speech a lot and point out a lot of stories. The neighborhood itself has also changed a lot. In his day he was a neighborhood worker, especially because we lived models from Burgos and Galicia. The road ended here and we were up above, at the foot of Artxanda. But the transformation, the contribution to Basque culture, we have also recently begun to do so.

We were in the first world in the third world, but now we are in the north of the south, but in the north. And now it also looks like a quiet neighborhood.

I remember not long ago, at a Hatortxu Rock in Lakuntza, we were talking about armed struggle and the need for cycle change... Things have changed a lot since then. Are you optimistic?
I am an optimist of character, in that there is no doubt. Even though the wall is in front, I see it colorful. That helps me live and leads me to make the choices I make. Intellectually, I'm pretty pessimistic. But the abandonment of the armed struggle has contributed to the fact that, being a people of pijos in which we are, many things fell silent. In addition to the damage it produced abroad, the damage to the interior had to be assessed. Around the Abertzale left have been a couple of generations, almost without a future, living in a trench. And the western edge of this trench was very limited. The step forward has been to change things. In this sense I am very happy, now there are other conceptions. There will be other mistakes, other things. But better so.

Have you ever been through your head if it is worth singing to love or life, being the world as it is?
The world is like it is, but when has it been better? This is life. Sometimes we don't go anywhere, and the gods are very affected, nature is as it is, what to say about Amalur. Like the great Slavoj] Ží could say, if a mother kills her son... This is life. What to say at this time? We're on our way. There's geological time, historical time, and I want to think we're moving forward. And there's something to improve, how not. In Gaza they are very bad. My friend's sister has recently been murdered by her partner... That's the cruelest thing that can happen to you. Life is beautiful, but sometimes old shit.

And tomorrow or the past, you'll have to re-create songs.
Yes, I can't do anything else to tell the truth. This is how I was born. And I live happy. I'm also going to climb and try to do what I can, even on the rocks of the mountains.

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