It all started on a field trip with her cousin and her husband. They went to dinner and didn't go home. The protagonist went out to look for them and found a wall. From there, the wall does not let him move forward and sees two characters frozen as dead. Beyond the wall death awaits him. Therefore, with the notes he received in the calendar for the following two and a half years, the protagonist writes to tell him everything that has happened to him. He will also write about the reflected: about death and life, who he is and who he wants to be… He will write a report, which says from the beginning:I write until it gets dark, and this new atypical work has to leave my head tired, empty and shaded (p. 11).
Think little about the previous life. She barely perceives the void of her husband and daughter: I kept taking care of them as best as I could, but I was rarely happy with them (p. 211). His days were boring and his day-to-day life was suffocating. We might think that the wall has the protagonist in jail and sometimes it feels like this. But he also feels the liberation from his previous life. And the possibility of being free. It acquires skills and abilities, and as the lines advance it gets stronger, increasing the knowledge of what surrounds it.
It is seemingly lonely and isolated, as until the end we will see no other character in the mountains. But you'll live in the company. Luchs, the cat Tigre and the cow Bella pass every day after finding the wall. Animals are a burden, a bond, but they are also a reason to stay alive. It makes sense to maintain the routine necessary to ensure its custodia.La wording
of the text is complete and continuous, not structured by chapters. Although he writes most in the past, he also uses the present time, jumping into the same paragraph. Descriptions, apart from being visual, are very sensory (describes what you hear, taste, touch) and persuasive. Haushofer has a suggestive style. The daily life of the protagonist is repetitive, suffocating, boring and confused (eternal). It perfectly conveys the agony of the protagonist, but there is an important element for me that keeps the intrigue and the interest: Vaca Bella. It puts hope in him. You have to read it to the end to understand the ray of light at the end of the nonchalant, nonchalant voice of the book, which begins as a dystopia. Beautiful and seductive.
Issa watanabe
1545 argitaletxea, 2024
Ezagutzen ez nuen 1545 argitaletxeak 2024an itzuli eta kaleratu du Issa Watanaberen Migranteak liburua. Animalia talde batek egiten duen migrazio prozesua kontatzen du; eta... [+]
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Fun Home. A tragic family
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Miren Amuriza Plaza
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Book Non sense
Edward Lear
Translation: Juan Kruz Igerabide
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Uxue Alberdi
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Guardasola wants rain
Patxi Zubizarreta
Illustrations: Irrimarra
Ibaizabal, 2024
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Eyes on the horizon
Writer: Illustrator Miren Agur
Meabe: Ane Pikaza
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Beatrice Salvioni (Translation:
deceit Fernando Rey)
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Ruben Ruiz
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Noemie Marsily and Isabella
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A Heart Museum
Leire Vargas
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What you love. Word recall, live reading
Miren Billelabeitia
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Snarka Lewis Carroll
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Miriam Luki
Susa, 2023