In the middle of the dark room of Baluarte a small piece of blue sky has been opened. Two chairs are ready to welcome musicians. It is not the usual hours for a concert: it is Saturday at noon, the vermouth time, and it is clear and warm. The plan demands more a terrace, sunglasses and fresh grains, standing with a little dancing. Inside Vermusica, Queralt Lahoz will end the acoustic concert tour in Pamplona, before taking the format of the banda.Empieza to sing that everything became blue and
the sky of the props is illuminated with all intensity. She drinks hip-hop and urban music, but in this format her flamenco origins flicker. It is curious, but it has done so easily and they have easily entered one song after another. Voice and guitar. Dress up the two musicians on the board, almost dark, playing with contraluz, with shadows.
She has sung loves of the past, grandma and, above all, self-love. A thin thread fills the entire room with the company of dotted chords. It seems close, natural, living what it does, fragile. He tells us how he has given more hours of travel to a Colombian festival than in the country. He confesses that he is exhausted, fearing the lateral damage of the air conditioning and that the voice of the morning would betray him. The rear of the sky remains small after crossing the overseas sky.
And it suddenly breaks. Well, from the beginning we've noticed the tear on the edge of the eye, without being able to maintain emotion. You have enjoyed this format and note: "I've given another meaning to my songs." It is appreciated when an artist is allowed to play also on the table. It might seem like a posture, but everyone here can feel really tired and satisfied.
All artists have a hit and Queraltena From the cave to the olive trees. We have also sung more among the listeners and we have raised the chair singer to dance.
Throughout this time, the sky has imitated all the shades it takes based on the time of day: yellowish, more orange, pink and very intense blue.
We have reached the end, and what it wants is to end the concert with a version: it has been agreed with the relatives who had to migrate and, today, Al Alba de Aute offers them to face those who drown the speeches with hatred and repression. Sunset. The concert has been excellent until then, but there something has made us a crete inside and the coconut has fallen us.
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