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Freshness and variety

OLBEk antolatutako opera eta zarzuelako errezitaldia. Bakarlariak: Juan Jesús Rodríguez (baritonoa), Graciela Moncloa (sopranoa). Piano-jotzailea: Manuel Burgueras. Narratzailea: Maite Marín. Egitaraua: Leoncavallo, Puccini, Verdi, Turina, Serrano, Torrob
OLBEk antolatutako opera eta zarzuelako errezitaldia. Bakarlariak: Juan Jesús Rodríguez (baritonoa), Graciela Moncloa (sopranoa). Piano-jotzailea: Manuel Burgueras. Narratzailea: Maite Marín. Egitaraua: Leoncavallo, Puccini, Verdi, Turina, Serrano, Torroba, Chapí eta Sorozabalen lanak. Lekua: Euskalduna Jauregia (Bilbo). Data: apirilaren 20a. Argazkia: E. Moreno Esquibel.
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

As usual in recent seasons, ABAO has prepared a nice recital for the last title of the season, which has served as a prelude. Combining opera and

zarzuela has been a great idea. Because many of us think it wouldn't be a bad idea to ever include some

minor gender title in AO seasons. On this occasion we have seen the adequacy of the voices and ways of singing of the two soloists to these two styles. The result has been extremely nice and light. As a novelty, actress Maite Marín represented with comic intent a script that gives continuity to all the pieces of the recital. In fact, this element has been left over and has not contributed much to the sitting. The baritone

Juan Jesús Rodríguez has shown great voice and security throughout the recital. It is considered to be one of the best international Verdean Baryshades and we have been able to see why it is seen as such. If I got Leoncavallo's I Pagliacci? So much in the song Io morrò, ma lieto in core, by Don Carlo, by Verdi, has shown an elegant song and the resounding voice. The other protagonist of the night,

soprano Graciela Moncloa, has lived up to her expectations. Thanks to the two operas he has performed, O mio babbino caro, by Gianni Schicchi (Puccini), and Sola, perdu and abbandonata, by Manon Lescaut (Puccini), we have found a singer full of emotions, whose voice is perfectly suited to the roles of Puccini. In the second part, dedicated to zarzuela, the freshness of the

interpreters and the domain of gender have made the public enjoy without a doubt. Soprano and baritone stand out in the romances they have interpreted, but the best has come to the last duos of the program. The two soloists have performed perfectly in Why of My Eyes (La Revoltosa) of Chapí and I have long come to Pablo Sorozabal’s workshop (The Rose Bunch). In the latter, Graciela Moncloa and Juan Jesús Rodríguez have had a particularly surprising interpretation. What a desire has awakened us all to go to a good representation of this beautiful zarzuela, a jewel of Sorozabal! As a tip, Rodríguez gives us the elegant version of the romance Sasibil, my Guridi farmhouse. A good ending.

2024ko maiatzaren 19a
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Wholesale opening

Euskadi Symphony Orchestra
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Sociedad Coral de Bilbao
Address: Enrique Azurza.
Soloist: Justina Gringyté (Mezzo).
Programme: 3rd Mahler Symphony.
When: 30 September.
Where: Basque Palace of Bilbao.

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