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Earth starts beating

  • In the meander of the Urola River, in the Iraeta district of Zestoa, is the Amilibia farmhouse and its fertile lands: 5 hectares of forest and 4 hectares of farmland. The Amillubi project aims to collectivize housing and land. To this end, the recovery campaign is underway and an all-day party will be held on 11 May with local neighbours and neighbours.
Amillubiren festako kartelaren irudia. Ilustrazioa: Ione Larrago.
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

I associate food to Amillubi with sovereignty. It is known that more than 90% of what is eaten in the Basque Country comes from outside, and I would not call all of them "food", because for me food is healthy, they feed. In Amillubi a healthy diet will be made and it will be a treasure for the food to reach sovereignty. Public policies do not give importance to this issue, but it is a priority to create healthy food." These are words of Myrian Imaz Juaristi. Amillubi works on the project team and is currently working seriously on the organization of the May 11 party. The
all-day program is ready for all audiences to enjoy a beautiful spring party: "We all like to have fun, enjoy, be in a group, establish relationships... and the party will help people see and understand firsthand what we are working on in Amillubin," says Imaz. And that is that in Amillubi, the land has already started to beat.

Program: May 11 in Amillubi

There will be a children's txoko.

11:00 Presentation and visit of the Amillubi project. 12:00 Two actions to choose: Connection to Earth with Enekoach, humorous session (Antton Telleria). Forest bath tour by the Tantai cooperative. 13:30

Poteo musicalized enlivened by the Basque Network of

Batukada Feminist. 14:30 Food. 15:30
Clown children's show by

Saenz de Ojer. 16:30 Humorous monologue of Grego (Beatriz Egizabal). 17:30 Recital of the collective
tiger Mussel. 18:30 Concerts with Pelax, 3zur and Babarrunba.


Must be taken in advance on the web:

- All day 20 euros.
- Food 10 euros.
- It is 10 euros
tomorrow. - Afternoon spent 15 euros.
- Free for children under 12 without food.

Organic leek plants, corn, beans, wheat...

The Amillubi project was released in early December. Since then, they have not been stopped: a fundraising campaign has been launched, talks are being given to present the popular project to the citizens, and various auzolans have been carried out to condition and repair the farmhouse and the grounds: shelter, stables, toilet, surroundings, fruit trees, sprays, etc.

Amillubi has also started to be used for training sessions, with two courses aimed at peasant women to learn how to handle mowers and motorcycles. Imaz has pointed out that in number they have been "very successful" and in great depth: "Theory and practice were worked and it was nice that some who came to participate already knew how to use it and even show themselves".

They've also started cultivating the land of Amillubi. The lack of ecological leek plants has been detected in the orchards and in the auzolan a land has been prepared to cover this need, a water system has been installed and it is expected that time will accompany it to sow leek seeds in some of these days. The remaining organic leeks on the market can be purchased by horticulturists thanks to Amillubi.

A new plot for the planting of beans and maize has been prepared in May. These beans will be used for the Aleka project, which produces organic seeds from the Basque Country, and for the production of beans in autumn.

On another plot, the Biolur bakery group plans to plant an old wheat seed in autumn to experience its adaptation.

All of them are short-term projects that are going to be implemented today, all of them collectively, which help break the path of healthy food and sovereignty.

And we've also begun to look at medium- and long-term projects. They have announced that from now on there will be a spring playful party (such as that of May 11) and a reflection party every autumn, to work on the Amillubi project in the collective: "There are several themes to reflect on Amillubi, where we are and where we want to go, what needs we want to respond, what projects are going to be implemented in the medium and long term, what values and coherence we want to work on."

The sponsors of the Amillubi project met in December to make the initiative known. Photo: Dani Blanco.
New impetus to reach EUR 150,000

To buy the farmhouse and land of the Amillubi project, the goal was to reach 150,000 euros by the end of May and by the beginning of May have received more than 100,000 euros. Imaz is pleased with what has been achieved so far and says that this holiday will help to give new impetus to the campaign. Remember that to attend the party you have to take the entry in the web (who does not go to the party can contribute money to Amillubi). They have prepared an all-day program with a picnic meal, with full entrance, morning or afternoon (food is paid separately).

Attendees will enjoy a salsero program, in which the involvement of all participating artists with the Amillubi project stands out, whose job will be to contribute to Amillubi.

Upcoming Amillubi presentations

Pamplona: May 14, at 18:30 in the Station.
Hondarribia: May 21 at 11:00 in BDSKoop.
Donostia: May 23 at 18:00 at the Teja Factory.

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