Sánchez Sánchez Sánchez Sánchez. Five days of repetition. Even the empacho has been discussed how honest and political play it has to take a few days of “reflection”. But no way to do it.
The closest to the PSOE and the government were also “shockean” by Sánchez, who, when reading the letter he issued in his personal social network, knew how to take five days to decide “if it is worth it”. If you take five days of reflection, I say, you can take a few hours earlier to share with your hoodies such a decisive decision. PSOE and the government itself, because they're collective projects, or what?
These ways of doing things are no exception. Collective political projects have long been represented or even abandoned in one person. At the beginning of the century, the PP did not hide that José María Aznar himself would decide who would replace him in the leadership of the party. Since then, this trend has been reinforced and extended to all political traditions. For the recent Catalan elections, the Junts per Catalunya party has changed its name, priming Junts + Puigdemont per Catalunya.
To do right, in short, but that the strength of the collective, that the left that claim citizen and militant participation or communitarism have behaviors that go in the same logic… We can Paul was built around the leadership of Churches, and when he decided to leave office, it ceased to be Yolanda Díaz who would replace him. In recent months, Arnaldo Otegi has stated on several occasions whether he would be a candidate for the presidency of the CAV to decide that he "won the right".
A new variant of recent years are "independent" candidates from parties such as Manuela Carmena or Yolanda Díaz in Spain, Miren Larrion in Euskal Herria. Despite the great differences, there is a common thread. They have called for “people’s policy” (in plural) against “party politics”, but they have made an even more personalistic (in singular) policy than parties.
However, the focus should focus more on the logics that favor these attitudes and modes than on concrete people, where responsibilities are collective. Mayor of the 1979 elections... People! The campaign was based on a faceless poster, which in recent years has focused on the candidate’s giant close-ups. The amazing thing is not all of those changes, the amazing thing is that you don't get attention, you don't get a debate, because it's not an aesthetic issue, it's a deeply political one.
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Hatortxu Rock jaialdiko 29. edizioa egingo da larunbatean Atarrabian. Sarrerak jada agortuta daude, baina txandak osatzeko laguntza behar da oraindik.
Budgets and the closure of annual accounts are nothing more at this time, from the domestic economy to most of the socio-economic spaces that we share. Large companies have begun to extract calculators and implement major plans for 2025. Small and medium-sized institutions and... [+]