To confuse self-tunnel with rock is the biggest sacrificial for peneans: it's "Trap," that's not music, anyone can do it. However, musicians know that if the pedals are removed from the electric guitar, it is a lump and especially difficult to interpret. I mean, technologies are one
more tool. The ones from Chopete come from Bilbao with their first long work, which had already published a EP, and in their first aspect they have made the pop-rock tuned. Hearing more, it has barley dirt and pump attitude. But if you have above all, despite perpetuating the darkness, you just have to have joy and enthusiasm. The label used by Madeleine: poz rock is good. The Chopets eat the stage like some animals. The entrance door of the microphone, the aggressive bass riffs, the batteries as simple as powerful... Andoni
Barinaga Rementeria (drums) and Iñigo Guemes Wemes (bass) always say the same: “When we go up on stage we don’t know what is going to happen... well, we don’t know what Jone is going to do!” Although the group is a group, Jon Fernández is the guitarist and singer responsible for the chaos, the beast that eats the table and the hunter. In the Teach Knife, pieces have been picked up from there and from here, and in principle they don't seem to have thought too much about the aesthetic of the disc concept. The colorful zoo of the ghosts of the skin is an indicator of it. But when you navigate between songs and songs, everyone has the same soul: strong riffs, energy and very intense melodies. In the concerts, the chorus will be sung jumping, you know: “Even if they fall, over and over, the knife is taught!” I don't know what the
manager people have for and why they let them write. Airaka defines the group as “a post-millennial sound proposition that won’t keep the listener cold.” And I think, like at the beginning of this article, we've been asking for apology and explaining for the news for a while. I think it is because the ecosystem of Basque culture has
no room for debate
or custom. It's time to approach groups to go a little bit beyond their use of styles and technologies. I come to repeat the usual thing: where it is done and for whom. That is the only interesting debate. Chopetes know and win their hearts when they travel. Because they're pieces of on, and they do it inside.
Duela 150 urte, 1875eko martxoaren 7an jaio zen Maurice Ravel musikagile eta konpositorea, Ziburun. Mundu mailan ospetsu dira haren lanak, bereziki Boleroa. Sarri aipatzen da Parisen bizi izan zela, kontserbatorioan ikasi zuela aro berri bateko irakasleekin, munduko txoko... [+]
Merina gris
Sonido Muchacho, 2025
Euskal Herrian ez da orain arte horrelako musika elektronikorik egin. Esango nuke Merina Grisek historian euskaraz egin den elektronika eta hyperpop diskorik landuena egin... [+]
Gazteagotan baino lotsa handiagoa dauka, baina horrek ez dio saltsa askotan ibiltzeko gogoa kentzen Leire Zabalza Santestebani (Iruñea, 1990). Beste gauza askoren artean, Motxila 21 musika taldeko kidea da. Nabarmendu du musika gauza asko aldarrikatzeko bide izan... [+]
Bidai on bat
Autoekoizpena, 2024
Nik ez nioke talde bati Braulio izena jarriko; eta seguruenik inork gutxik hasiko luke lan bat sei minutuko iraupena duen kanta batekin. Baina hauei parra die eta horri esker... [+]
Hiuzz + Bloñ + Adur
Noiz: otsailaren 15ean.
Non: Iruñeko Aitzina tabernan (Egun Motelak kolektiboa).
Larunbat goiza Iruñean. Neguko eguzkitan lanera doazen gizon –eta ez gizon– bakarti batzuk... [+]
Things aren’t easy in fact, and it will be for one reason or another, but lately I’ve bitten my tongue more than I should for these two things: the culture of the sold out and the FOMO – the latter perhaps has to be explained, because it’s not said so many times: the... [+]
La Furia
Baga Biga, 2024
Cascanteko La Furia-k bosgarren diskoa plazara atera du. Mimoz eta erraietatik, berarentzat funtsezkoak diren osagai horiekin, prestatu du honako pozima, pozoitsua eta aldi berean... [+]
WHEN: February 2nd.
IN WHICH: In the youth center of Zuia, Murguía.
On September 20 of last year, we first heard about collective music in the profile of the social network they had just created:... [+]