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Israel leaves the killing of Palestinians in the hands of artificial intelligence

  • The headline is read and someone thinks it is an exaggeration, an excessive generalization of the journalist. 'Lavender': The AI machine directing Israel's bombing spree in Gaza. These are the six people who have been in Gaza since 7 October last year, following artificial intelligence, bombing the point set by the machine. True cruelty; dystopian cruelty. A summary of this report.
Makinaren manuak betetzen dabiltza Tsahaleko soldaduak:
Makinaren manuak betetzen dabiltza Tsahaleko soldaduak: "Ez dakizu zenbat hil dituzun eta nor hil duzun. (...) Albo-kalteei buruz ez dakizu ezer. Ondoko jomugara zoaz, ahal bezain bat jomuga lortzea eta ahal bezain laster, horrek dauka garrantzia". Argazkia: Israelgo armada

All the marked houses were coming to bomb five in the morning the air army. (...) We have eliminated thousands of people. We haven't looked at it one by one, we've put it all automatically; as soon as we got home the [marked person] became a destination: we bombarded her and her house." That is how the Palestinians in Gaza are getting rid of the Israeli army Tsahal. Without close monitoring of what is intended, without the intention of protecting nearby civilians and in any case the most serious, following with eyes the handles of a machine. With eyes closed, but the eyes following the intestinal precept: "Given the magnitude of the obligation, the protocol says: if you are not sure that the machine works correctly, you know that statistically everything goes well. So go ahead, act."

This statement is made by an Israeli soldier. Thanks to this testimony and the investigation of the independent media +972 and Local Call that have been responsible for making public, we have learned that Israel has relied on artificial intelligence to determine the location and timing of the bombings in Gaza. The report includes its headline, ‘Lavender’: The AI machine directing Israel’s bombing spree in Gaza. This technological system is named Lavender, after stealing the name of the beautiful smelling mass of the botanical landscape and naming the instrument of mass murder for war.

Data from these 37,000 Palestinians are entered into the Lavender system and are left to artificial intelligence. Witnesses acknowledge that they have followed the bombing pattern as “human decisions”

Tsahal documented what the research brings, wants to make it clear that they only use Lavender to track their rivals and adds that there is always a soldier in a thorough analysis of the data. But the document has little weight in the face of the six testimonies that involve opposing statements. Six are the former Israeli information service workers and those involved in the destruction of Gaza since 7 October. "It has been more than once for me to attack a house, even if the person [we wanted] is not present. Result? You've killed an entire family for no reason." Among other things, Lavender reported and went to the appointment because the person left home. Such examples
are not uncommon in the report. Once it has been proven that we are involved in this dystopian cruelty of putting in the hands of algorithms the decision to take people's lives off, we will look more closely at Lavender's functioning:

According to score, in case of death or not

Based on the massive signing of the citizens of Gaza, Israel has developed a scoring system between 0 and 100 according to critics, who have classified the Palestinians in Gaza. From the population score of over two million people, 37,000 Palestinians have been extracted, free of charge, located close to 100 by artificial intelligence and therefore classified as members of Hamas and Jihad Islamikoa organizations. Data from 37,000 are entered into the Lavender system and tracked into the hands of artificial intelligence. Witnesses acknowledge that they have followed the instructions to bomb "as if they were human decisions."

They say that since 7 October the Tsahal criteria have been changed. In fact, until then they were heading for senior officials of the Hamas or Islamic Jihad groups, but with the launch of the Iron Swords operation, all activists of these agencies became opponents to eliminate. This implied a second modification: "On the horizon of dozens of agents, information personnel could follow up on time to punish and locate each. But with the opening of a list of tens of thousands of agents, the army assumed that continuity should be based on automated software and artificial intelligence." In addition, leaders told them that they did not need to look in detail at destination information. One source says they spent "an average of 20 seconds" looking at the person's data. How far is gender construction going, if not the woman who was going to die to look at just that brief space, because in these institutions there are no women activists...

The Lavender system follows thousands of Palestinians. It usually sends bombing when the applicant is at home. This means that in addition to this person, the Israelis kill their whole family.

In the two weeks following October 7, the Lavender machine was tested, closely observing its effectiveness and results, and concluding that it had a 10% error rate, soldiers were authorized to use it in a generalized way. In other words, out of the 37,000 targeted by Lavender 3,700 innocent people lost their lives, simply because a 10% error was considered acceptable.

They prefer house bombings.

In view of the fact that each enemy to die has a house, Lavender prefers to memorize the person's place of residence and send a bombardment when the person's points and residence coincide. What does this mean? They kill their whole family, as well as their head. How many times we haven't heard "Journalist X and his whole family has been killed by the Israeli army" or "Tsahal kills X Sixteen leader and his whole family." One more reflection of that inhumanity is the name that users have given to this program: Where is the father?

For the murder of a sixteen-minded member they have permission to kill some fifteen civilians in the area, but for senior officials they
have a “century-old” barrier.

The acceptable range of collateral damage to a murder has changed radically since 7 October. At the sacrifice of each sixteen they were allowed to kill another fifteen civilians during the first weeks of October, and that number was being tapped or expanded: "In practice, the people [of the houses bombed] did not count because it was not easy. After a week, the range of collateral damage was reduced to five [out of fifteen], which made it difficult to attack, because if the whole family is at home we could not bomb. They soon returned to the rank of lateral damage."

The permission to die about fifteen civilians in the area for the unaccountable members of Sixteen, but for senior officials it has a "centenarian" barrier. A witness remembers the desmasia of 2 December: "With the bombing of the Shuja'iya battalion, we knew that we would kill over a hundred civilians. For me, psychologically, that wasn't the norm. Above civilian tissues, which meant overcoming the red line." Likewise, for the murder of Ayman Nofal, head of Sixteen, they had permission to kill 300 civilians. The report records the testimony of a rescuer who was on the same day: "Yes, he was murdered, and they didn't know who [Ayman Nofal] was. They killed whole families, they killed children." The high level of authorised collateral damage has never been seen either by Israel or by Syria, Afghanistan or the US in Iraq. Bin Laden's case was 30.

The arms economy is more important than the number of civilians killed in attack. In spite of the biggest outbreaks, the least accurate missiles that are cheaper are used to attack the non-leaders of Sixteen, which are most cases from 7 October: "You don't want to use high-value bulbs for unimportant people. This is a huge cost to the people and we are in a shortage of [bomb]," says a witness.

Measurement of collateral damage has also been made available to artificial intelligence: "These are fully automatic and statistical calculations". In particular, on the basis of the number of inhabitants who had been stationed in a building before 7 October, transfers in the area since 7 October are proportionally directed to the building. For example, if half of the population has escaped from a neighborhood, five will be counted in a housing of ten inhabitants. Who? Algorithms: "This model was not connected to reality. There is no relationship between those who live now and before the war. It has occurred to us that, without knowing the bombing of a house, there were several families inside, kept together."

In view of this cruelty, we won't get drawn to know that they don't look at the results either: "You don't know how many you've died and who you've died. (...) In the case of senior managers, the following is done. For others, it doesn't matter. We received a report from the air force on the destruction of the building and it is now. You know nothing about collateral damage. It goes to the next destination. The important thing is to achieve a goal as quickly as possible." And so is the genocide in Gaza. The Gaza Ministry of Health has recorded 34,262 deaths when writing this report. 34.262: more useful data for algorithms.

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