Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

"The Zionists want the Palestinians on some reserves or outside their lands"

  • Pierre Stambul has just been in Maule and Baiona, recommended by groups working for Palestine. The secular Jew and the Nazi genocide is known closely because they destroyed the whole side of his mother. His parents were Communist resisters, his father Manouchian was part of the revolutionary group and Buchenwald was sent to the concentration camp. Hence his Jewish identity and his fight against the Zionists. He is a spokesman for the French Union of Jews for Peace.
Hizlari lanetan arituriko Pierre Stambul, judua eta antisionista.
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Pierre Stambul is very pedagogically explaining the conferences, the Zionist project, Israeli policy and the planned disappearance of the Palestinians: "Israel is leading socialism, the disappearance of a society. This is what is at the root of Zionism: they want the Palestinians built up in reserves like American Amerindians or Australian Aborigines, or driven out of their lands and unable to claim their rights." The dangerous "instrumentalization of anti-Semitism", which has been accentuated since 7 October 2023, makes it clear: "In Gaza, the Palestinians are not alone in massacring, killing Judaism, killing the memory of genocide, killing the memory of anti-Semitism." His speech started with the need to refute false ideas about Zionism and Israel.

Baga: it is false that the return of the Jews to Palestine is legitimate. Palestine has traditionally been a land of cultural confusions, peoples, languages and religions, where the holy places of the three monotheistic religions are located and, before the arrival of the Zionists, it has always been possible to live together between Muslims (80 per cent), Christians (15 per cent) and Jews (5 per cent). In the 1970s, the Romans Titus and their armies in Jerusalem, millions of Jews settled in the world and Zionism bases their belief on exile and arrival. But when the Israeli Government is developing a political programme based on biblical passages, it considers it important to remember that this holy book is not a history book. In fact, more and more historians are denying the story of exile that year. "The Jews are descendants of Jews relocated in different times and regions, and the Hebrews of ancient times, in general, are Palestinians."

Biga: it is false that the Zionists have conquered Palestine for religious reasons. Until the 1960s, at least, Judaism has not been a religion linked to a territory and is also a messianic religion, which until the return of the Messiah cannot be called Israel to move to the territory. In other words, the desire to steal Palestine and to ventilate the Palestinians is not a religious objective, but rather a fanatical nationalist religious Zionist thought developed with the colonization of the West Bank in the 1960s. Zionism gave rise to this "fetishization of Palestine" that until then did not exist.

“From the 1969 Olympic Games, South Africa was kicked out by the boycott. This year
we have the Games in Paris, which you already know what to do:
promote the boycott”

Hurga: he wants to make it clear that except in the time of the Nazi genocide, Zionism and anti-Semitism have always been at hand. In fact, Zionism originally theorized by Theodore Herzle is the "theory of distribution", a conception based on the belief that coexistence between Jews and non-Jews is not possible. An example of this is that the anti-Semitic Emperor Guillaume II opened the mandate not to obstruct the Foundational Congress of Zionism of 1897 "Let us not put obstacles to what will leave us to the Jews." It also has as an example the Haavara Convention, signed by the Zionists and the Nazis in 1933, with the aim of facilitating Jewish emigration to Palestine. It remained until 1939, allowing 60,000 German Jews to migrate to Palestine. British Minister Arthur Balfour was, interchangeably, a defender of anti-Semitism and Zionism (the Balfour declaration of 1917 is the basis for the creation of the State of Israel).

The birth of Israel was a response to the Nazi genocide. No, the main institutions that would permit the expulsion of the Palestinians were created before the genocide: the Colonial Bank of Jews in 1898; the Jewish National Fund that would rob Palestinian lands in 1901; the Zionist syndicate Histadrut in 1920; and others. Zionism seeks an "ethnically clean state" and that is why they have to ventilate the Arabs, the Palestinians. Fleeing this replacement colonization, the Palestinians began their first rebellion in the 1920s. And in that sense, the mouthpiece: the world is trying to challenge its guilt for the Nazi genocide, supporting the creation of Israel. Stambul says it's also a lie. "Europe has a huge responsibility in Christian anti-Judaism and rational anti-Semitism. If they had felt guilt, 1945 would open the borders to them, but that didn't happen. They have been blamed, leaving everything behind the Palestinians who were not responsible."

Sega: considers it necessary to clarify also the composition of the political branches of Israel. To begin with, the Israeli left also has its hands shaken, "there is no crime without the responsibility of social democrats." The forced escape of 700,000 Palestinians in 1948 was "premeditated and programmed" by Labour, and the same for the 1967 war. As could not be otherwise, the signatory of the 1993 Oslo Convention, Yitzhak Rabin, the Israeli Prime Minister, was also a Labour. First, as Minister of Defence, he was in charge of the bombing of the PLO against the leaders of the Palestine Liberation Organization on 1 October 1985 and subsequently repressed the First Intifada 1987-1993. The Oslo Convention goes along the same lines: 'What does the convention say? The occupier must ensure the safety of the occupier. The prisoners, a Palestinian state, the return of the refugees… talked about that, but they did not sign anything." On the other hand, he wants to clarify that the Zionist right is nothing new: "Since 1920, the movement of Vladimir Jabotinsky, which was dedicated to fascists, and that which Benito Mussolini himself had as "our Jewish fascist." Stambul warns that all those responsible for the European extreme right have been in Israel: "For them it is a model, it is an example of a successful colonial reconquest, an example of a country considered dangerous can be held in prison, with advanced technology".

Role: boycott and pressure

On the occasion of the genocide of the Palestinians, derived from Gaza since 7 October, the listeners asked him what can be done: as citizens, what? What about international institutions? What about the US? It is clear: "As citizens we have to guide the Palestinians, on the one hand, for reconstruction from today and later, and on the other hand, to pressure our governments to change policy and punish the occupier". He says that we must succeed in dismissing the democratic image of Israel. He believes that South Africa ' s complaint has influenced this path. The boycott is an essential instrument. "From the 1969 Olympic Games, South Africa was expelled by the boycott for its policy of apartheid. In Paris we have the Olympic Games. So you already know what you have to do: take out Palestinian flags and encourage the boycott."

Believing that the lines are moving, he does not want to lose hope. It shows the change of attitude of António Guterre, Secretary-General of the United Nations. Yet state criticisms and US allegations are not going to influence for the time being, according to Stan: "Israel is not going to change attitude if there is no real punishment, but history shows us that Israel is going back if there are real sanctions." What should be done? Complete the shipment of weapons.

“As for the negotiations, Netanyahu
knows that if he accepts the ceasefire,
he wants to keep the issue until Trump’s victory”

Nor does it believe in the pressure of the Arab states in the area: they have never supported the Palestinians – for example, they talk about governments, not citizens –. They did not move in 1948 and although Jordan started the war, it was precisely because the Palestine Separation Agreement agreed with the Zionists was not respected. It also recalls the Black September of 1970-1971, in which the Israeli weapon killed thousands of Palestinians. He says that Egypt has the same position: "Egypt, except for a people of friends, everything else is for Palestine." It is important to highlight their participation in the Gaza blockade. Finally, since the negotiations between
Hamas and Israel we have little to achieve: "Those who are on the street for the freedom of the hostages have lost the party. Netanyahu knows that if he accepts the ceasefire falls, so he wants to keep the issue until Trump’s victory. I don’t think things will change… or yes, maybe if EE.UU. He threatened to stop arms sales, and in that case Netanyahu would fall. In Bizkitarte, the negotiations on dead bodies are useless."

Today the most urgent thing is to get a ceasefire, and then we will talk about political departure. Istanbul has its opinion: the solution of the two states is not the way -"I have commented to you on the Oslo Convention. Besides being impossible, it is not desirable. The theory of differentiation is Zionism, and differentiation leads to colonialism, fascism and racism. Keeping the separation would maintain fascism." A single state? It says it's a utopian solution.

Thus, the French Union of Jews for Peace calls for respect for international law: the end of colonization and occupation, the release of prisoners, the destruction of the wall, the end of the blockade of Gaza, equal rights, the return of refugees and the trial of those responsible for war crimes. Unfortunately, the Union of Jews for Peace in France is not the strongest Jewish structure in the French State, and has influenced the government. But good news: since 7 October, the number of partners has doubled. Rather than pride, he nuanced this data to listeners because it has expectations.

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