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Racism has not destroyed them

Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Txalaparta, 2023


In 2022, Louisa Yousfi published Rester barbare, and Itziar Diez de Ultzurrun and Txalaparta published it in Basque in 2023, following the words of Ainhoa Nadia Douhaibi. He had not insisted so much on a book for a long time.

Recently Ibai Atutxa told us about the process of barbarization of the Basques, but now there is a race, the author tells us about “the invention of the Mairu-Muslim”.

It is curious how close the French Republic of the South of the Basque Country is. I would say that here, in general, we know very little about reality, and in this book some of the barbarians in the area are made known. In particular, this work can help decolonize the racist imaginary of non-white people built by civilized people. According to the author: “As archivists and writers, all the efforts of our activity will be directed towards clearing the stigma that has spoiled our people, to imagine our people beyond stereotype.”

Yousfi will talk to us about the risks of integration (“uprooted universality”) and will call for resistance to the beginning. Next, he will analyze the representations of the Western worldview tickles and the monsters of the Empire, and explain what it is like not to be white in the suburbs of Paris, mainly with the voice and acting of two rap groups. Finally, Pagadi will be interested in the participation of women in the program and Douhaibi, in the current session, will address this case.

Perhaps the reader will remember the Palestinian genocide. Above all by reading the following: “Today the invention of the Mairu-Muslim object is the main engine of a permanent war and imperial underdevelopment in territories where energy resources are prosperous and our lives are nourished by technological advances and abusive consumption.”

In addition to the complicity of the defeated, we Basques must work the whiteness (to the extent that we are oppressed and privileged) and this book can help us to pave the way: for this we must continue to maintain the temptation to make parallels of complicity – only – and to read the words of this book from our position of power. Uncomfortable, conscious and reflexive.

Collection of 1,300,000 signatures for the conservation of the Urdaibai Biosphere Reserve
The initiative, carried out by Seo/BirdLife and Guggenheim Urdaibai Stop, refers to the number of visitors the museum has each year. They have pointed out that it will generate “critical and irreversible impacts” and that the reservation is “a living museum in itself”.

EH Activa and Askapena will know the fight against the TAV in the July brigades
Euskal Herria Bizirik and Askapena have met to organize a brigade. In Europe there are two battles in defence of the territory: The struggle of the Earth Survey in the French State and the NO TAV movement in Italy.

Yolanda Díaz says he has concluded an agreement with the PSOE to "repeal" the Moorish Law
Pablo Iglesias and Podemos also undertook to repeal the Moorish Law once they arrived at the government, but did not materialize it. Work is being done on the 2015 Aste Nagusia dispute.

Second options

The Park of Doña Casilda in Bilbao becomes once a year the meeting point of the street theatre. This year, the Kalealdia festival is 25 years old, and in the first week of July, 86 performances have been seen from 32 different companies.

On July 3, I was struck by the colorful... [+]

Aita Mari rescues 34 people in the Mediterranean
On Sunday it was the turn of Aita Mari, the rescue boat that has been trapped. They have explained that most of them come from Syria, but they also include those from Egypt, Nigeria and Bangladesh, among others. The Italian Government has ordered the ship Aita Mari to land at... [+]

A 63-year-old farmer dies and a 12-year-old boy in Aiherra after a tractor accident
The event took place this Monday morning and the man's wife called for emergency services at 13:23 hours. The two victims are in a state of cardiac arrest, so the emergency services have not managed to save their lives and have been taken to the hospital. The girl was a neighbor... [+]

Counsellor for Justice of the Basque Government: "ETA prisoners have to recognize that the damage caused was unfair"
Socialist Councillor Maria Jesús San José said that the Basque Government will work to ensure that, when ETA prisoners leave prison, the damage caused is acknowledged and that "the damage caused was unfair" is acknowledged.

2024-07-16 | ARGIA
A monitor working at the Betharram Catholic College is charged with raping a child under 12
Almost a hundred pupils at Notre Dame de Betharram school who have reported physical and sexual violence have joined the list of 26 other complaints. Among them is the case of a monitor that is still working in the center: The 12-year-old has been subjected to tests showing that... [+]

2024-07-16 | Mikel Aramendi
III. Plenary in Beijing: the knot is in delay but in hope
A year later, the 20th Congress of the Beijing Communist Party began in 2022. III Congress of the Plenary Central Committee

2024-07-16 | Hamaika Telebista
Eh Bildu leaves Osakidetza out of the budget debate to give “oxygen” to the government
The meeting between the Lehendakari of the Basque Government, Imanol Pradales, and the spokesman for Euskal Herria Bildu, Pello Otxandiano, took place this Monday in Bilbao. This has been announced by Otxandiano himself at the end of the meeting, which has been extended for an... [+]

Carlos Bueno (Aezkoa)
“Iratiko basoa biosferako erreserba izendatzeak eremua are babestuago izatea ekarriko du”

Uztailaren hasieran izendatu zuen Unescok Iratiko basoa biosferako erreserba. Aezkoako Lehendakari Carlos Buenok goraipatu egin du pausu hori eta uste du baliagarria izanen dela eremua babesteko eta populazioari eusteko.

2024-07-16 | Euskal Irratiak
Sébastien Castet
"There are more Euskaldunes, but the Basques live in an increasingly French environment"
Cross-border summer courses in Baiona have started this Monday and the steps for a new Language Policy in Ipar Euskal Herria will be studied.

Asiron: "The sanfermines have been participative, popular and multitudinous"
Despite the positive assessment by the mayor of Pamplona, he stressed that 24 assaults have been recorded and 23 people have been arrested. In Baiona, 11 cases of gender-based violence have been reported on other occasions.

Firefighters of Álava call for three weeks of strike
ELA and LAB have received among the main requests the increase in staff, the achievement of a new convention and respect for rest days. According to the News Journal of Álava, the strike will not affect the daily fire service, but will affect the rest days of the workers.

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