The Araba, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa Foral Haciendas have just extracted the data from the collection, and we have seen that they have received more money than ever before. They soon announce that they will take the necessary margin for reflection on tax reform, because there is no hurry or special need. So, it is already, the tax debate has been left out of the political agenda, and there does not seem to be any capacity to change that decision in social movements.
Why make changes with a tax collection system? Petronor and its threats succeed in fiscal policy decisions
However, the “highest revenue ever” highlights the need for real reform. If we look at how much has been received, how and from where it has been collected, we can see that unjust tax policy has again made improper collection. The axes of collection are wages and consumption, 7 out of 10 euros. It is not new, but it should be pointed out that VAT has fallen on many products and that what goes into labour income is decreasing year after year in the wealth generated: Hego Euskal Herria is around 45%. Therefore, more and more is being raised, at the expense of those who have fewer and fewer economic resources, and thanks to a tax that equals all people.
When buying bread or milk, Josu Jon Imaz and his widow far from getting a EUR 1,200 pension pay the same tax. More workers than owners. And it would have to be examined whether the contribution of high wages is greater than that of low wages. But why make changes with a tax collection system? Petronor and its threats have triumphed in fiscal policy decisions. There is no news either.
Yes. The income declaration can be presented in Basque, both in the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country and in Nafarroa Garaia, as the UEMA (Commonwealth of Basque Municipalities) reminds us annually along with various public institutions and municipalities. In addition,... [+]
Like every year, at the end of April, we have the unavoidable obligation to present our tax return to the Hacienda Foral. And like every year, the Catholic Church, following its eternal line, refills with publicity on all sides to check the church's box. Thus, it would receive... [+]
The title of this article is Victor Hugor, a great French writer from the 19th century. The Christian writer was very clear that the Church and the State should be separated. Something similar is found in the Gospel of St. Matthew, 22,21: "Pay to Caesar what is of Caesar, and to... [+]