Before the death
Oskar Gaztelu
Erein, 2022
The book has a direct title. Far from interpretations, we know as soon as we read that the author will tell us about death. Reading the index, we will find that this is an attempt. But as soon as we start reading the book, we will realize that Oskar Gaztelu will also count on him his own experiences with life and death, especially in the chapters of first experience, second experience and third experience. I think he has managed to do the whole book alternating theory and knowledge provided by experience. It's both deep and light.
From the theoretical part of the book I would highlight two: I am fascinated by the subject of death. I am fascinated by any attempt to get the death out of tobacco. Also the memoirs of rites that have been made less far in the tiempo.En chapter of Postmortal Ceremonies, the author collects descriptions of the ceremonies performed by different collectives throughout the world, including information of the rites of Euskal Herria.
The death aid chapter is necessary. Includes known references, famous names and useful information. And he analyzes in chapter 8 how death is represented in the literature. I know some of the materials he mentions, but I have pointed out the duties to read those I don't know. There will be professional deformation.
When the author talks about his experiences, we observe the proximity. Writing first person arouses empathy because it's kind of an invitation to explore in our memories. Comment j´ai vidio la maison de mes parents (How to empty the house of parents) of Lydia Flem when he tells how his mother's house was emptied. Alberdania, 2004) reminded me of the book. It also focuses on the symbolic value of emptying the parents' house.
The writer has addressed a deep and complex issue in a simple style. It uses short phrases, it is correct. But that's not why the book loses warmth and warmth. It can awaken emotions based on the moment we meet. And it's ideal for reflection.
As I write this, I learned that Gaztelu also published a poetry book in 2023: Farmhouse (h)uz(s)ten. I've already asked for it in the trusted library. And as soon as I get there, I will be enthusiastic about reading.
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