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Vox anti-Basque systems

Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

“And what is the weather she perceives for Thursday?” I asked the feminist militant that she was organizing the A30 strike. “The truth is that lately I’ve had my head in a conflict at school,” he replied with a serious face.

The Vox Solidarity party union called for a general strike in A24, in the context of the Madrid protests against the Amnesty Law agreed by the PSOE with the Catalan political parties: “Social cuts of strong rejection, elimination of labor rights and policies of inequality between workers, which will occur under the cover of separatism and concessions to those who seek to break Spanish unity.” This strike was accompanied by one of the classrooms of my interlocutor's school. And there were the teachers, talking to the students, trying to convince them to step back, that this strike and the extreme right had nothing to do with protecting workers' rights. “You can’t imagine what the extreme position is against Euskera and social benefits,” she explained to me.

"These young people have the extreme right as a reference to the ‘anti system’, not the left. Why?"

For a few minutes, we reflected on what all this meant. Great capacity of the extreme right to disseminate their messages and values in society, especially in the case of young people through social networks. Contrary to what we often repeat, in Hego Euskal Herria “unlike Spain” we believe that we are free from the virus of the extreme right, and that we have to be attentive. Above all, it highlights the shortcomings of the left.

These young people were thinking about joining the right-hand side strike from an opposition to the system and trying to change things, even if they're not considered extreme right. The far right is the reference of the ‘anti system’, not the left. Why? Perhaps, on the one hand, because the extreme right is putting into play the anti-classical message systems and the classical right by questioning the foundations of formal democracy, because the parliamentary left puts its strength in the attempt to save the scarce ‘democracies’ and ‘welfare states’ than in its alternatives. And, on the other hand, because leftist sectors with more radical or truly anti-systems positions and approaches do not have enough reach to reach the majority of the ‘normal’ population.

Let's think about whether the reasons are those or others, but above all, let's reinforce the space, the imaginary, the anti-capitalist, anti-patriarchal, anti-colonial alternatives, from the trench that we think the most. If not, in the face of the indignation, fear and uncertainty that exist and that is intensifying, most citizens will continue to look to the right in search of answers and support, both in Spain, Europe or Argentina, and in Euskal Herria. On the left we will continue to introduce the frameworks on the right, attracted by the dominant gravitational force.

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