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A freighter has more value than the lives of 20,000 Palestinians ...

  • The rebel rebels of Huthi Yemen know perfectly well that they have a weapon that does damage: It attacks vessels coming into contact with Israel and passing through the Red Sea. The aim is for Israel to stop the massacre in Gaza. However, it affects everyone because about 30% of the containers pass through the Red Sea, 12% of international trade. EE.UU. reports the formation of a maritime military coalition. It is to be seen the evolution that will experience in itself a conflict located in a few kilometers but with global influence.
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

About 30% of containers worldwide pass through the Red Sea, 12% of international trade. One of the main steps is the Red Sea, since both Europe and EE.UU, the goods they have as their destination or starting point, usually pass through it for the treatment of Asia or the Middle East. Each year 20,000 cargueros pass through it, some 55 diarios.En
March 2021, the global blockade deducted by the freighter Ever Given, sunk in the Suez Canal, point of arrival in the Red Sea, serves to illustrate the reality of these numbers: cutting the way for six days, had another 367 boats in his liver, blocked, abandoned world trade daily and with a loss of money. They are not standard packs: Ever Given, for example, is 400 meters long and 59 meters wide, with a capacity of 2244,000 tons. That is 1.2 billion tonnes of goods per year. According to 2018 data, every day there are between 6 and 8 million barrels of oil transporting from the Bab-el-Manded Strait, 3 million to the Asian market and 3.5 million to the American and European market.

Aware that space is strategic, Huthiak, the former Yemeni rebels, is acting from there to stop the Israeli massacre against Palestine. Avisan: Every boat that travels to Israel will be attacked. But, in principle, only those: "Except for Israel, the boats that go to other ports in the world are in safety."With the upward tension repeating drone and missile attacks, on November 19 the atmosphere cracked by taking and diverting the ship called Galaxy Leader from an Israeli businessman. In fact, despite its weak military capabilities to attack Israel, the most effective weapon is the threat from international trade.

The most effective weapon: moving the coin

Proof of the authenticity of the threat is that the main maritime trade groups have abandoned this route: French multinationals CMA CGM, Danish Maersk, German Hapag-Lloyd, Italian-Swiss MSC, Taiwan Evergreen, Korean HMM... In the document sent by Evergreen to its customers we can read: "We are going to temporarily stop the transport of goods going to Israel or coming from Israel, because the risk is increasing from a security point of view." Some oil companies have taken the same decision, including the multinational BP. Profit-filled containers, some have anchors this year, fearful of hindering the Bab-el-Manded Strait. In other words, it seems that the Huthien initiative has more influence than a good boycott campaign. "We are not going to be faced with the repetition of Ever Giv's case, but if it continues, it may be worse," says journalist Mikel Aramendi in his article "The Waves of the Massacre," written in ARGIA.

In this respect, the West has decided to react in a way that confirms its support for Israel and guarantees essential trade. Lloyd Austin, US Secretary of Defense, reports on December 19 on Operation Prosperity Guardian. Prospery Guardian is a military coalition that reacts with attacks by bandits and consists of the USA, Reyno Unidas, Bahrain, Canada, French State, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Seychelles and the Spanish State, which has determined its active participation in the European Union or NATO operation. They fight for "freedom of navigation." "Even if America mobilized everyone we would not stop our military attacks, regardless of the sacrifices we have to make, we will not stop them," said Mohammed al-Bukhaiti, one of the leaders of Huthien. He wanted to make it clear that in the event of aggression, in addition to Israel, they will also focus on the American porters.

In the meantime, more and more porters are moving through Good Hope in Africa. This is, of course, an expenditure, both economic and temporary. Assume that the journey between Rotterdam and Singapore is increased by 40% from 8,400 miles (15,550 km) to 11,720 miles (21,700 km). Therefore, the cargo companies raise the costs and go around in recent days.

The most militarized zone in the world

According to Mohammed al-Buhaiti, Operation Prosperity Guardian aims to militarize the Red Sea to protect Israel. Without this last operation, the area between the Suez Canal and the Bab-el-Manded Strait is the most militarized region in the world. The richest states in the world have their own army, as the French state has 1,300 soldiers in Djibouti, the United States also has its only military base in Africa, Italy, the United Kingdom, the Spanish State, Saudi Arabia, Germany and Japan, and in 2017 China decided to set up militarily in Djibouti. The presence of these large States in the Red Sea, a country of 372 kilometres of coastline, is considered essential by the Red Sea: "There is a decisive gateway in which countries benefiting from trade in goods consider the security of this access essential", as can be seen in the Djibouti report: là où convergent les puissances militaires (Djibuti: place where the military forces gather) of the L´apostrophe medium.

In exchange for this military presence it receives a large amount of Djibu money with less than three dollars a day in three quarters of the population: 30 million dollars a year from France, 56 million from the United States, 3 million from Japan, 17 million from China, 22 million from Italy...
What if the war between Israel and Palestine opened up to the Red Sea? The risk of the "spread of war" heard more than once since 7 October is increasing, but (at the moment) not from Hezbollah bases as originally thought. Given the importance of the Red Sea to each other's economy, it is clear that the West will respond to Huthie's attacks early. Because in the end, seen from the West, a freighter is worth more than a Palestinian's life.

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