Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Final resistance feathers

  • In a month, mercilessly, a Zionist army capable of killing over 10,000 people cares a little bit about who is captured by their missiles. The bombings of 20 October killed the life of the poet Heba Abu Nada: I was 32 years old and they saw a great future in Arabic literature. A week earlier, on 13 October, Israel killed the cartoonist and illustrator Heba Zaqout.
Heba Abu Nada idazlea ezkerrean, eta Heba Zapout artista eskuinean.
Heba Abu Nada idazlea ezkerrean, eta Heba Zapout artista eskuinean.

Heba Abu Nothing saved some of his last possessions on 8 October, when Israel raised the “war”. Where the massacre plan of the Zionist, racist and genocidal regime could not destroy him, he sent the latest literary words to the mobiles of his social media followers: “The night of the city is dark except the gloss of the missiles, silent the sound of the bombings, terrifying except the peace of the ego, black the light of the martyrs. Good night.” A few days later, Israel turned off the entire Palestinian internet network.

The young poet would never have said that Israel started its attack on 8 October. Heba Abu Nada is the daughter of a Palestinian refugee family. He was born 32 years ago in the city of Meka in Saudi Arabia and said that since he was very young he has felt Palestinian. Graduated in Biochemistry from the Islamic University of Gaza, he held a master's degree in nutrition and served as a university professor. Passionate about literature and refined writer, they saw it as a promise in Arabic literature. Among other things, in 2017, at the age of 26, he won the Sharjah award to the Saudi Army for his novel al-Uksujgenn lil-mawtles (Oxygen is not for the dead).

On the night of 20 October, the city of Khan Younis was mercilessly bombed by the Zionist army. Hundreds of Palestinians were killed in the attacks, including Heba Abu Nada.

Palestinian freedom and feminism, like the poet Heba
Abu Nada, also claimed international recognition of Palestine, Heba Zaqout, and both were significant feminist activists.

Zaqout has been a famous acrylic artist in Palestine. Born in Gaza in 1984, he graduated from the Faculty of Fine Arts at Al-Aqsa University, was a professor at public school and participated in various international art exhibitions beyond Palestine. The national identity, peace and sovereignty of women have often adopted the centrality of their cadres.

A work of art by Zaqout.

You are interested in the channel: Kultura
Body to Sight, Tabular Wound


WHEN: 31 August.

WHERE: Plaza 23 de September.


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