Abusers confuse, manipulate and isolate victims before being beaten. It is enough to identify all the above as mistreatment. Enough and left over. That is what we see in the book Arturo and Klementina, written by Adela Turin and illustrated by Nella Bosnia. Newly married turtle couples are happy on the first pages, but while Arturo is going to be with her friends, Clementina stays alone around the house. Arturo rejects all the hobbies and encourages Clementine to become a passive turtle with numerous banal gifts that makes him. Symbolic, psychological and emotional violence are very evident. But it's also physical, because it holds all the gifts over the shell, forces Clementine to carry a lot of weight and causes fatigue and bodily pain. It can be a very appropriate book to read with the little ones and identify the types of violence and traps of romantic love.
Rosalind B. Dragonslippers signed with the nickname Peinfold: In the same line I would recommend the comic book This what an abusive relationship looks like (Maita nazazu; Harper Press, 2006). An autobiographical protagonist graphic novel that he drew while he was mistreated. The book collects images that allowed the couple to leave the relationship and recover the drawings recommended by the therapist, and that served to perform the constitution process. They're all black and white images. They don't want to be aesthetically beautiful, but they're very effective and often raw. It shows us the nuances and complexity of the violence, with special emphasis on the situation of isolation experienced by this woman.
In recent years we have read several books on victims of rape, sexual abuse and sexual assault. The culture of rape, built to frighten and support women, works perfectly: after frightening, assaulting, blaming, embarrassing and threatening the victim, silence is a logical reaction, especially in societies that accept, push and support it. I mean, almost always. Roxane Gay writer and editor Not That Bad: He did the coordination and editing work of the book Dispatches from Rape Cultura (not so much; Harper Coliins, 2018). This essay is based on first-person narratives that offered several women the possibility of ending this silence.
The common phrase of all the stories gives title to the book: "It's not that much." Many would say to themselves, and in other cases people around them would call them the phrase, taking away their importance. Everyone believed they didn't have to be afraid. Silence produces isolation and makes the aggressor believe that it has only happened to him, and gives impunity to the aggressor. It causes great loneliness in the assaulted person.
Rien ne s'oppose à la nuit de Delphine de Vigan (Nothing is opposed to the night; JC Lattes, 2011) is an autobiographical book that relates the events the author finds as he explores family history. It's especially interesting to read how the family breaks down as dirty rags come out. The more secrets we know, the harder the family's response will be. Daring to break the silence that “belongs to us” to women is too much for this family and for patriarchy. Although they want to condemn it to silence, they do not succeed because they find several allies on their way.
Lack of health can also contribute to the isolation and isolation of the person. Being sick can increase the feeling of loneliness, especially if you are in a situation of dependence. The book On Our Own (1979), which the editorial Katakrak has brought to Spanish, shows very well how the institutional medical discourse of madness reinforces the isolation, loneliness and illness it causes, with an interesting interview with those who translated the book. In this case, the warning comes from the crazy pride movement. We like to think that crazy people are the others, but for the patriarchate lord we are all crazy. Carme Valls Llobet, based on her research and work experience, puts on the table that, on the one hand, in the health system women are not treated as men and that the diagnoses related to mental health are faster (for example, 70% of the psychopharmaceuticals are prescribed to women). On the other hand, there are no differential studies, so custom-made diagnoses are made of men and their symptoms until they can cause deaths. And for example: socio-cultural factors, abuse, rape, gender-based role sharing, etc. are rarely taken into account. Possible effects on physical and mental health are not taken into account.
Silence and medical disinformation cause great loneliness in women's lives. Remember if not, Edo! published in Euskera the Yellow Wall Paper of Charlotte Perkin Gillman. There is nothing else to do with how the doctor diagnoses and treats postpartum depression: loneliness, silence, passivity and isolation. How in the book La Campana de Cristal by Sylvia Plath, which the txalaparta has brought to the Basque for the first time, the cruelty, coldness and incomprehension of the other is shown, leaving a space and a solitude in the protagonist. These are just a few examples.
The autobiography Arantxa Urretabizkaia Bidean (Pamiela, 2016) and the books De la Throat contra Uxue Alberdi (Susa, 2019) by Arantxa Urretabizkaia show that synergies and solidarity among women have been fundamental in the struggle for egalitarian alarming and bertsolarianism. To change the situation they have had to politicize and collectivize the situation, not without persecution, violence and silence. But he has supported feminist movements in their tracks, and they have also taken refuge in the feminist movement. The proposal looks like tuntuna, but meeting with others is an excellent recipe for transforming loneliness.
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