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No for gentlemen

Direct (2xLP)
Folc Records, 2023


It usually happens with long-standing groups, receiving criticism from some amateurs who believe they make the same offer and others who see away from the initial flame with the new creations. What a destination, how
to get it right!The group Mr No, founded in 1993 in the neighborhoods of San Sebastian, can be accused, in part, of the second, knowing that in the long run performances the spectators were excited. They have been led for a long time by Xabi Garre, the main creator of singers, frontman and songs, and he has next to Fumai, a great bassist from old; to Fosy, a prepared battery; to Jorge, a young man experienced on guitar and in recent years, and to Joseba B. Also the great guitarist Lenoir. The fire does not turn off at all and risks and advances creating songs, but songs released over the last decade have a different tempo, although it depends on rock and roll and the wah-wah pedal. Vitalista.

The group has nine long albums (and dozens of EPs and others) and one of them live to date: precisely to the surprise of all (and for our enjoyment), at the Bar Bukowsky in Egia, recorded the work Lord Yes in sasi-acoustic in 2006. In December last year, in Dabadaba, in the district of Egia, the following direct, published in double vinyl and composed of sixteen songs, was recorded.

There are high-energy-a, texts from the school of Bukowsky, Fieston, Nobody, I'd rather see you, Call, The Devil is hot, Inherent and unfinished wah-wah pedalers, Fieston, Nobody, I'd rather see you, Call, The Devil is hot, Relpal and like Masacrante, and Gotimes a spa like this. And postdata: you have a new album with versions about to come out of the oven. Unstoppable.

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The Wonderland Kinky
Self-production, 2024


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Self-Production, 2024


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Artza Records/American Leather Records


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