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  • The contribution of Anjel Lertxundi to the Basque letters stands out. There is literature on paper, letters projected in the movies and thoughts published in the comic book or as columnists. The days organized in the Summer Courses of the UPV/EHU, under the direction of Alex Gurrutxaga and Beatriz Zabalondo, have analyzed in the Miramar Palace the meaning of the writer and his work. In the suite heading to La Concha Bay, each of them has spoken in a beautiful language about Andu, captatio benevolentiae luxury.
Anjel Lertxundi azalpenak ematen, Danele Sarriugartek luzatutako galderei erantzuten. (Argazkia: Eneko Goikoetxea Salazar)
Anjel Lertxundi azalpenak ematen, Danele Sarriugartek luzatutako galderei erantzuten. (Argazkia: Eneko Goikoetxea Salazar)

To praise someone's existence and work, to analyze their work and their contributions, normally this society expects to die, perhaps once the person dies, because good things are said easily. And more and more in time, it is easier to open up the possibility of criticism – something that would not be wrong if you want to honestly analyze the work of an artist, because this country has a clear tendency to limit itself only to praise, and it is all very well, but obviously nobody does it well, and welcome criticism.

The case is that the work of Anjel Lertxundi has been analyzed, with Anjel Lertxundi being present in all sessions. And since it could not be otherwise, please note the suggestions of the rapporteurs who spoke of their work. Back, they, too, to him, to test whether he was going up with his head and down or to the left and right. Shared shame and nervousness. There's been some praise, some criticism, some understated gender balance. I appreciate honesty.

The Lertxundi tour has eleven legs and to speak of them, eleven guests have passed through the Miramar Palace on 29 and 30 June. Eleven legs, one tip each, and at the same time complementary, because many are transverse. Lertxundi leaves the shadow and continues to leave the shadow.

“You could put my name González. You will remember: Gonzalez was a janitor and then he came to the Real. It was very good to tell the truth, but it had a lot of shade, Arkonada, and the truth is that no one remembered it long ago.” In this way, Andoni Egaña started to agree well and perfectly described what it is to receive the commission to follow a great. Egaña, in addition to plaza per plaza, in recent years, shakes every day the pen in the newspaper Berria. About six years ago he took over Anjel Lertxundi, who was a professor at Ikastola, when the newspaper officials asked him to follow the column that Anduk had built for many years, “if you can give” to someone who has done so well fifteen years. The same was said by Egaña, like the porter González, if he did not stay in the shade.

Anjel Lertxundi has been the reference of Egaña, at least in the field of columnization. Currently, Egaña has very own sections and forms, but has taken certain trends to Lertxundi, for example, in the writing. Get up in the morning, walk around the Zarautz Malecon at best, go home and write, write the journal. “That requires a lot of self-confidence, eh, Andu?!” At 10 a.m., have a text of a thousand hundred characters. He emphasizes that occupation is not important in itself, but that occupation can become a concern if there is no special capacity to overcome it.

According to Egaña, Lertxundi has “lean writer” and has demonstrated it in the columns he has written for fifteen years. It has the ability to create the most realistic fiction. Tell a story, turn it on and ask questions to the reader, all in a few lines. Because it's graceful to associate words with words, not words in bulk. What also counts of Lertxundi, “deep and tied almaz”. Then, let the reader think if what he has actually told you happened or invented it. And with inventions, let yourself decipher. But the feet have always been on the floor of Lertxundi and has not gone too far from the reader’s position.

“Your text is a problem” The one who reads the
columns and the one who does not want to read decides to pass the page. But inevitably, who has to work with the texts of Lertxundi, what remedy does it have?

The illustrator and cartoonist Antton Olariaga makes it clear: “You don’t know what a writer is, and don’t say Anduk, send you the texts and then you make the images.” The tone of irony and seriousness was mixed with mastery and as usual by Olariaga, and the loving gestures between the knives and knives he launched to Lertxundi were very evident. Seriously, raising my finger and looking at people said: "If it wasn't because of this guy, you wouldn't create that fiction in Basque. So, Andu, thank you."

Olariaga talked about the relationship between the writer and the illustrator and gave advice and explanations to bring ideas from words to images. "Ignoring names and fewer adjectives lead us to the wrong path and annoy us, they do not serve at all. We need to look at the actions, feelings, ways to talk about these characters."

In addition, Olariaga defends that it can be created beyond what the writer wrote, and to tell it he resorted to an anecdote, which was with Lertxundi. Once Olariaga drew a dog chís making with a child, although Lertxundi did not mention any dog in that text. The writer surprised the illustrator to see what he was doing. "Does it matter? Children like this image more." Olariaga defends the appeal of creating by maintaining the text.

“Canonical and humble writer,” as
Andoni Egaña, also studied Nerea Arruti, by Anjel Lertxundi, and hence his literary instinct, “our only free territory”; “literature is the only free territory in the literature of Anjel Lertxundi”.

Arrut is a professor of the UPV and a literary critic, but he finds it difficult to maintain his "satellite status he should": "Literary critics are obliged to keep the distance. But it is not easy for me to keep the distance from Anjel Lertxundi, because for me Anjel Lertxundi is not Anjel Lertxundi, but Andu". In a very intimate tone, therefore, he reminded the culprits that led them to immerse themselves in reading: "I agree that I met Andu as director in the excellent group of teachers I've never had: Mariasun Landa, Txiliku, Ane Mujika and many more. I agree that we received an innovative, critical and trusted education when that rhetoric was not used."

Before returning to UPV/EHU, Arruti has for years been a professor of literature at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland. He says that in Scotland there is a special fondness for Irish literature, even for the Basque Country, and not to say, for an Basque professor. Well, in response to the students' requests, he challenged himself to study Lertxundi's work in English, but he found many difficulties along the way: there are no comments about Lertxundi in international media, so you cannot work with the students. "Andu is a humble writer, obviously. He is a canonical writer: writer, although he has not realized his academic career in the classic model."

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